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External Network Notification
In this sample project, we will go through some basic features of the SDK by creating a connector that can receive notifications from Fluent System, which is processed and sent to any external system like Email, Slack, Datadog, etc.
These are the topics covered by this guide:
- Create a new Handler for receiving Notification from Fluent System
- Send Notifications to an external network
- Schedule Job Handler for Monitoring failed events
The Arrivals feature of Fluent Store is used for inter store transfers for Click and Collect orders sourced from a location different to customer’s chosen pick up location. In this section of the module, the store users can view Inbound orders expected to arrive in store from another location.
When a Click & Collect order arrives at a location, the store user marks the article as arrived.
The store user performs the following steps to mark an article as arrived:
- Click Arrivals from the side navigation.
- Scan or manually enter the article barcode into the input field to be automatically directed to the Article Detail page. If the barcode does not scan, scroll through the list to find the article. To enable scanning functionality checkout USB Barcode Scanner Component
- Select the article and then select MARK AS ARRIVED
Display REST API Data in Standard Library Components
- For Frontend (React) Developers who are familiar with using the Fluent OMX Component SDK
- Build a REST API Data Provider Component to enable the standard Component Library to render data from the Fluent Platform REST APIs
- Learn how to override the data provided to components
- Learn how to support template value props for dynamic input
- Learn how to decorate the query results for enabling attributes access in the manifest
Build a Webhooks Monitoring Dashboard
- For Frontend Configurators (JSON) of the Fluent OMX UX Framework with access to a small custom component
- Enable a visual Webhooks Monitoring Dashboard in the Fluent OMS (or any other Fluent web app)
- How to add a new page to the Insights section
- How to query the Event API for Webhook Audit Events
- How to use the component to display information from the Fluent REST APIs using standard the standard UX Component Library
- Access specific attributes by name (even when they contain spaces!)
- How to conditionally color code a specific table column
- How to display a details drawer from a list
- How to display contextual Webhook information on the Order Details screen
Complex Filter Configuration: Tips and Techniques
- This guide offers step-by-step instructions for setting up and customizing the Complex Filter component to achieve precise and efficient data filtering.
- Learn how to set up data sources, use GraphQL queries, and display results easily with card components like Standard Card and Product Card.
- Discover how to customize fields by changing their types, adjusting the field order, and removing unnecessary ones to make the filter simple and effective for your needs.
Configure Printable Order Labels
- Use an HTML template to tailor the Order Labels to your specific needs.
- This document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and modifying fragments needed to customize generated PDFs.
Customise the Printable Pick List with GraphQL
- This feature gives the client greater flexibility in customising the pick list by extracting values via GraphQL.
- The feature is not limited to a pick list but can be used on any entity as long as the data can be extracted by GraphQL.
- This feature utilises the new print component
Enable Store Associates to assign Items to Parcels
- This guide is intended for implementers who are enabling the capability for Store Associates to assign items to parcels.
- The guide outlines the steps to configure the assign items to parcels capability, including updating the necessary modules, workflows, settings, and user permissions to ensure smooth implementation in the Fluent Store.
- Before proceeding with this guide, it is recommended that you are familiar with the following concepts: Adding a Workflow to your Retailer via API, How to Override the default manifest, How to Display Colored Dots, Configure Printable Order Labels, and Configure Printable Pack Slips.
Filter Panel: Configuration, Customization, and Best Practices
- This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up and customizing the Filter Panel component to filter data effectively, whether on standalone pages or embedded within the List component to filter an inner list.
- Discover how to define data sources, integrate custom queries, and display query results seamlessly using descendant components.
- Explore options to customize fields: modify field types, set default values, rearrange the field order, and remove unnecessary fields.
- Unlock the component's key functionality—synchronizing filter data with the URL. This enables easy sharing of pre-filtered views through links.
- Learn how to configure default filter values using settings for a streamlined and consistent user experience.
Connect SDK - Fluent Webhooks Integration
The Fluent Connect SDK offers seamless integration with Fluent Webhooks, enabling you to receive messages and perform various actions based on incoming calls. This document provides an overview of the core features of the Fluent Connect SDK and outlines the steps to integrate it into your application. Go here to read about Fluent Webhooks.
How Comment GraphQL API works
The Comment GraphQL API enables you to Create, Update, and Query comments linked to various entities within the Fluent platform.
- You should have knowledge of the GraphQL API, including:
- You should have knowledge of Users, Roles, and Permissions
Using the Setting Form Component
- This page will guide you through placing the Setting Form Component on a page and customizing it for use by a business user. Key topics covered include:
- Adding the component to a page
- Using the component within an Accordion component
- Generating a schema for a setting
- Adding titles to individual fields
- Using the component with custom fields
Colored Thresholds for Gauge Charts Configuration
- Shows Implementers how to configure colored thresholds for gauge charts.
- All configurations are described for the Sources and Feeds reference manifest fragments.
Page Filter Select configuration via Manifest
- This guide shows Implementers how to configure Page Filter Select via Manifest.
- All configurations are described based on fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.feeds manifest fragment.
Install Reference Modules using Plugin and Workflow APIs
- Reference Modules: There are four reference modules: Core, Order, Fulfilment, and Inventory
- Version: Always download and install the latest version of the module
- Extraction: Unzip the downloaded file using system-appropriate software
- Verification: Ensure the extracted folder follows the naming pattern fc-module-<domain>-<pluginVersion>
- Assets Folder: Confirm the extracted folder contains the "assets" folder, which includes "rules" and "workflows" subfolders
- Jar File: Within the "rules" folder, locate the jar file named fc-plugin-<domain>-<pluginVersion>. Keep track of the domain and version numbers
- Workflows: In the "workflows" folder, ensure default workflows with placeholders are appropriately customized for your account
How to Submit Inventory Batches
- You should have knowledge of Inventory Batch
- You should have knowledge of Inventory Batch Pre-Processing
This technical guide provides detailed steps on how you can submit Inventory Batches to the Fluent platform.
Inventory Feeds User Guides
This document will guide you through how to use Inventory Feeds and some example cases where an Inventory Feed is a preferred data export option.
This document assumes you are knowledgeable and aware of the following subjects:
- GraphQL API
- Fluent Big Inventory
- Inventory Module
- Specifically Virtual Catalogues and Inventory Catalogues
- How do Inventory Feeds work
- AWS S3
Key points
- Use the guides here to create a new Inventory Feed via GraphQL
- Additional guide also provides insight into troubleshooting Inventory Feed issues
Products Overview
Product is a collection of products and any attributes and details associated with each product in the category. The products module contains the following menu items:
- Categories
- Product Catalogs
More information on Product Catalogs.
Raise a Support Request for Reference Modules
- Before raising a ticket, review the reference module setup and configuration guides, Use the Event API to validate the workflow process executed, including source Event, Rulesets, and Rules, and Check all Settings, Users, Roles, Auth Tokens, etc. before raising an issue.
- Support is provided for reference modules, which are Core, Order, Fulfilment, and Inventory.
- Raise a Support Request for Reference Modules with a Fluent Retail Support (FRS) ticket.
Rule Parameters
Rule Parameters, also known as properties or props, and the configuration time inputs to the Rule.
Rule Parameters should be considered always required. Optional inputs to a Rule should usually be managed via Event Attributes.
Rules SDK - Writing Rules - Overview
This section provides Rules SDK reference and guidelines for Writing Rules.
Additionally, make sure you read the Rule Coding Best Practices.
setting up Article barcode scanning in Webapps STORE
- Step by step to demonstrate how to add dc.scanner.barcode component into the Customer Collections page. A full reference can be found here
Upgrade an Existing Plugin to the latest SDK
- Upgrade an Existing Plugin to the latest SDK
v4.1 Deprecated REST APIs Overview
- This section provides documentation for deprecated APIs in maintenance mode.
- These APIs are no longer supported.
- See our GraphQL API for more advanced API access to Domain data!
Weather Updates
- In this guide, we will go through some basic features of the SDK by creating a connector from scratch that can receive or retrieve weather updates and push them to a Fluent setting.
- If you wish to bypass this guide and look at the result, feel free to download the sources.