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Storing HTTP links on Entities with Attributes (Admin Console)

How-to Guide


Holger Lierse

Changed on:

3 Oct 2024

Key Points

  • This guide is about displaying HTTP(S) links in Admin Console.
  • This can be achieved through a Mystique configuration.
  • Store a HTTP(S) link to a document e.g. packing slip as an attribute against an entity.
  • Display the attribute as a clickable link in the Admin Console.


Step arrow right iconOpen Mystique config

Identify the area in your Mystique config where you want to add an HTTP link where the link is sourced from an attribute

Step arrow right iconAdd your Mystique Configuration

Add the mystique configuration, for example:

2    "label": "Printing Slip",
3    "dataSource":"attributes",
4    "template": "{{value}}",
5    "link_template": "{{value}}",
6    "filterFirst": {
7        "name":"printing_slip", 
8        "type":"STRING"
9    }

Language: json

Name: Mystique Config


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconGraphQL query to extract the attributes

Adapt the GraphQL query to extract the attributes, for example

1query ($id: ID!) { 
2    orderById(id: $id) { 
3        id 
4        ref 
5        status 
6        type 
8        attributes { 
9            name 
10            type 
11            value  
12        } 
14    }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Sample code


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconUpdate Admin Console Manifest

Add the corresponding attribute to the entity and reload Admin Console. The attribute link will show as per the below screenshot (example):

No alt provided

Full Sample of the order summary sage with clickable attributes:

2  "path": "orders/:id",
3  "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicPage",
4  "menuIcon": "shopping_cart",
5  "params": {
6    "title": "{{orderById.ref}} - {{orderById.status}}",
7    "showUserActions": true,
8    "backButtons": [
9      {
10        "path": "orders",
11        "menuLabel": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.breadcrumb.backToOrders"
12      },
13      {
14        "path": "customers/{{orderById.customer.id}}",
15        "menuLabel": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.breadcrumb.viewCustomer"
16      }
17    ],
18    "graphql": {
19      "query": "query ($id: ID!) { orderById(id: $id) { id ref status type createdOn retailer{id tradingName} ...Customer ...Items  ...fulfilments ...fulfilmentChoice ...financialTransactions attributes { name type value } } comments(entityId: [$id], entityType: \"ORDER\"){ edges {node {id text entityId entityType, text, createdOn, updatedOn }}} } ",
20      "variables": {
21        "id": "{{params.id}}"
22      }
23    },
24    "primaryButtons": [
25      {
26        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.editOrder",
27        "mutation": "updateOrder",
28        "arguments": {
29          "id": "{{id}}"
30        }
31      }
32    ],
33    "secondaryButtons": [
34      {
35        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.addFulfilment",
36        "mutation": "createFulfilment"
37      },
38      {
39        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.addComment",
40        "mutation": "createComment",
41        "defaultValues": {
42          "entityId": "{{orderById.id}}",
43          "entityType": "ORDER"
44        }
45      }
46    ],
47    "layouts": [
48      {
49        "component": "shared.components.material.MaterialTabsSet",
50        "params": {
51          "layouts": [
52            {
53              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
54              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.details.label",
55              "params": {
56                "layouts": [
57                  {
58                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
59                    "params": {
60                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.title",
61                      "half": true,
62                      "dataSource": "orderById",
63                      "attributes": [
64                        {
65                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.orderType.label",
66                          "template": "{{type}}"
67                        },
68                        {
69                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.orderStatus.label",
70                          "template": "{{status}}"
71                        },
72                        {
73                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.creationDate.label",
74                          "template": "{{formatDate createdOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
75                        },
76                        {
77                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.returns.label",
78                          "template": "Search for Returns",
79                          "link_template": "#/returns?ref[]={{ref}}-"
80                        },
81                        {
82                          "label": "Printing Slip",
83                          "dataSource":"attributes",
84                          "template": "{{value}}",
85                          "link_template": "{{value}}",
86                          "filterFirst":
87                          {"name":"printing_slip", "type":"STRING"}
88                        },
89                        {
90                          "label": "Delivery Slip",
91                          "dataSource":"attributes",
92                          "template": "{{value}}",
93                          "link_template": "{{value}}",
94                          "filterFirst":
95                          {"name":"delivery_slip", "type":"STRING"}
96                        }
97                      ]
98                    }
99                  },
100                  {
101                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
102                    "params": {
103                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.retailerInfo.title",
104                      "half": true,
105                      "dataSource": "orderById",
106                      "attributes": [
107                        {
108                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.retailerInfo.attribute.retailerID.label",
109                          "template": "{{retailer.id}}"
110                        },
111                        {
112                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.retailerInfo.attribute.retailer.label",
113                          "template": "{{retailer.tradingName}}"
114                        }
115                      ]
116                    }
117                  },
118                  {
119                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
120                    "params": {
121                      "graphql": {
122                        "fragment": "fragment Customer on Order{ customer { id firstName lastName primaryEmail primaryPhone   } } "
123                      },
124                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.title",
125                      "half": true,
126                      "dataSource": "orderById.customer",
127                      "attributes": [
128                        {
129                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.attribute.customerName.label",
130                          "template": "{{firstName}} {{lastName}}",
131                          "link_template": "#/customers/{{id}}"
132                        },
133                        {
134                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.attribute.phoneNo..label",
135                          "template": "{{primaryPhone}}"
136                        },
137                        {
138                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.attribute.email.label",
139                          "template": "{{primaryEmail}}"
140                        }
141                      ]
142                    }
143                  },
144                  {
145                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
146                    "params": {
147                      "graphql": {
148                        "fragment": "fragment fulfilmentChoice on Order{ fulfilmentChoice { id pickupLocationRef deliveryAddress {id name street city state postcode country} deliveryInstruction deliveryType } } "
149                      },
150                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.title",
151                      "half": true,
152                      "dataSource": "orderById.fulfilmentChoice",
153                      "attributes": [
154                        {
155                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.pickupLocationRef.label",
156                          "template": "{{pickupLocationRef}}"
157                        },
158                        {
159                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.customerName.label",
160                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.name}}"
161                        },
162                        {
163                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.street.label",
164                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.street}}"
165                        },
166                        {
167                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.city.label",
168                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.city}}"
169                        },
170                        {
171                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.state.label",
172                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.state}}"
173                        },
174                        {
175                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.postcode.label",
176                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.postcode}}"
177                        },
178                        {
179                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.country.label",
180                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.country}}"
181                        },
182                        {
183                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.deliveryType.label",
184                          "template": "{{deliveryType}}"
185                        },
186                        {
187                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.deliveryInstructions.label",
188                          "template": "{{deliveryInstruction}}"
189                        }
190                      ]
191                    }
192                  },
193                  {
194                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
195                    "params": {
196                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.title",
197                      "graphql": {
198                        "fragment": "fragment Items on Order{ items{ edges { node { id ref price quantity product {name} } } } } "
199                      },
200                      "defaultPageSize": 10,
201                      "dataSource": "orderById.items",
202                      "attributes": [
203                        {
204                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.ref.heading",
205                          "template": "{{node.ref}}",
206                          "link_template": "#/orderitems/{{node.id}}"
207                        },
208                        {
209                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.productName.heading",
210                          "template": "{{node.product.name}}"
211                        },
212                        {
213                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.quantity.heading",
214                          "template": "{{node.quantity}}"
215                        },
216                        {
217                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.price.heading",
218                          "template": "{{node.price}}"
219                        }
220                      ]
221                    }
222                  }
223                ]
224              }
225            },
226            {
227              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
228              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.fulfilments.label",
229              "params": {
230                "layouts": [
231                  {
232                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
233                    "params": {
234                      "graphql": {
235                        "fragment": "fragment fulfilments on Order{ fulfilments { edges { node { id deliveryType status eta fromAddress { companyName } toAddress { companyName name } }} } } "
236                      },
237                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.title",
238                      "dataSource": "orderById.fulfilments",
239                      "attributes": [
240                        {
241                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.id.heading",
242                          "template": "{{node.id}}",
243                          "link_template": "#/fulfilment/{{node.id}}"
244                        },
245                        {
246                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.status.heading",
247                          "template": "{{node.status}}"
248                        },
249                        {
250                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.deliveryType.heading",
251                          "template": "{{node.deliveryType}}"
252                        },
253                        {
254                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.fulfilmentLocation.heading",
255                          "template": "{{node.fromAddress.companyName}}"
256                        },
257                        {
258                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.destination.heading",
259                          "template": "{{node.toAddress.companyName}} {{node.toAddress.name}}"
260                        },
261                        {
262                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.eTA.heading",
263                          "template": "{{node.eta}}"
264                        }
265                      ]
266                    }
267                  }
268                ]
269              }
270            },
271            {
272              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
273              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.transactions.label",
274              "params": {
275                "layouts": [
276                  {
277                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
278                    "params": {
279                      "graphql": {
280                        "fragment": "fragment financialTransactions on Order{ financialTransactions { edges { node {ref createdOn status type cardType paymentMethod total }} } } "
281                      },
282                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.title",
283                      "dataSource": "orderById.financialTransactions",
284                      "attributes": [
285                        {
286                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.ref.heading",
287                          "template": "{{node.ref}}"
288                        },
289                        {
290                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.createdOn.heading",
291                          "template": "{{formatDate node.createdOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
292                        },
293                        {
294                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.status.heading",
295                          "template": "{{node.status}}"
296                        },
297                        {
298                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.type.heading",
299                          "template": "{{node.type}}"
300                        },
301                        {
302                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.cardType.heading",
303                          "template": "{{node.cardType}}"
304                        },
305                        {
306                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.paymentMethod.heading",
307                          "template": "{{node.paymentMethod}}"
308                        },
309                        {
310                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.amount.heading",
311                          "template": "{{node.total}}"
312                        }
313                      ]
314                    }
315                  }
316                ]
317              }
318            },
319            {
320              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
321              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.attributes.label",
322              "params": {
323                "layouts": [
324                  {
325                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
326                    "params": {
327                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.title",
328                      "dataSource": "orderById.attributes",
329                      "attributes": [
330                        {
331                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.column.name.heading",
332                          "template": "{{name}}"
333                        },
334                        {
335                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.column.type.heading",
336                          "template": "{{type}}"
337                        },
338                        {
339                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.column.value.heading",
340                          "template": "{{value}}",
341                          "link_template": "{{value}}"
342                        }
343                      ]
344                    }
345                  }
346                ]
347              }
348            },
349            {
350              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
351              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.comments.label",
352              "params": {
353                "layouts": [
354                  {
355                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
356                    "params": {
357                      "graphql": {
358                        "fragment": "fragment financialTransactions on Order{ financialTransactions { edges { node {ref createdOn status type cardType paymentMethod total }} } } "
359                      },
360                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.title",
361                      "dataSource": "comments",
362                      "attributes": [
363                        {
364                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.comment.heading",
365                          "template": "{{node.text}}"
366                        },
367                        {
368                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.createdOn.heading",
369                          "template": "{{formatDate node.createdOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
370                        },
371                        {
372                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.updatedOn.heading",
373                          "template": "{{formatDate node.updatedOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
374                        }
375                      ]
376                    }
377                  }
378                ]
379              }
380            },
381            {
382              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
383              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.activity.label",
384              "params": {
385                "layouts": [
386                  {
387                    "component": "shared.components.EntityActivity",
388                    "params": {
389                      "showChildEntities": true
390                    }
391                  }
392                ]
393              }
394            }
395          ]
396        }
397      }
398    ]
399  }

Language: json

Name: Full sample code


[Warning: empty required content area]