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commercetools Connector v2.0.0 Migration Steps

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

31 Jan 2024

Key Points

  • The 2.0 Commerce tools connector offers a range of new capabilities in regards to configurations, availability calls and DSK context creation.
  • The migration requires a few Java changes and configuration changes that are covered in detail in this article.


Step arrow right iconNew version of the connector

Update the project pom to reference the release of the commercetools connector.

2    <groupId>com.fluentcommerce.connect</groupId>
3    <artifactId>connect-sdk</artifactId>
4    <version>2.0.2</version>
5    <relativePath/>

Language: json

Name: pom.xml


[Warning: empty required content area]
2    <!-- NOTE - update the parent package whenever updating this setting - make sure the versions match-->
3    <connect-sdk>1.1.7</connect-sdk>
4    <commercetools.version>9.2.2</commercetools.version>

Language: yaml

Name: pom.xml


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconJava Changes

  • `MessageHandler`
     is now an interface. Any references to it must now change from extends to implements.
  • `HandlerException`
     has been renamed to 
  • `AccountReference`
     is now a record and access to its members has changed.
  • `ListenerInfo`
     package has moved to 
  • `ExternalListener`
     has been renamed to 
  • `ExternalMessageReceiver`
     package has moved to 
  • `JobHandler`
     is now an interface and the 
     has moved to 
  • `FluentConnectConfiguration`
     has been renamed to 
  • `ExternalMessageReceiver`
     interface updates.
  • A number of improvements/changes to 
     classes to improve resource access control stay within the account-retailer context.
    • Configuration service will automatically prefix configuration/setting keys with the connector configuration namespace. For example, requesting a property named “my-key” for a connector named “my-connector” will result in the configuration service retrieving a setting from Fluent with the following setting key: “
  • All LocalDateTime usage within the SDK has changed to 
     and the timezone defaults to UTC regardless of the system timezone.
    • There is also a new service 
       that can return a proper current datetime in UTC.
  • Handler routes are now grouped into logical groups.

Step arrow right iconConfiguration Required Changes

  • application.yml
    • The following listener configuration is no longer used and can be removed
1  available-listeners:
2    - "sqs"
3    - "kafka"
4  message-listener-mode: sqs
5  batch-listener-mode: sqs

Language: yaml

Name: application.yml


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • Job scheduler changes
    • Scheduler type has been introduced and by default, it is message-queue which uses the SQS implementation
1  job-scheduler:
2    frequency: 2
3    job-scheduler-type:"message-queue"

Language: json

Name: application.yml


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • Listener configuration should be updated as follows:
    • The snippet below brings a new listener for notification and changes for listener types
    • Please note that the deployment process also needs to introduce a new variable for SQS_NOTIFICATION to specify the notification queue.
    • Remember to review the pool size settings for your project needs
    • With the Fluent account being set in the configuration below, remove the following files: 
1  listeners:
2    commercetools_events:
3      name: "SQS_CONNECTOR"
4      fluent-account: "CNCTDEV"
5      pool-size: 200
6      prefix: "ct"
7      retry: 5
8      type: "sqs"
9    messages:
10      name: "SQS_EVENTS"
11      pool-size: 200
12      prefix: "msg"
13      retry: 5
14      type: "sqs"
15    batch:
16      name: "SQS_BATCH"
17      pool-size: 5
18      prefix: "job"
19      retry: 1
20      type: "sqs"
21    notification:
22      name: "SQS_NOTIFICATION"
23      prefix: "not"
24      type: "sqs"
25      retry: 5

Language: yaml

Name: application.yml


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • application-connector.yml
    • The configuration below should be removed. The SDK now knows to automatically build these based on the connector-name property.
1  job-scheduler:
2    config-prefix: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.data-sync"
4  configuration:
5    base-path-key: "fc.connect.commerce-tools"
6    account-mapping-key: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.account-mapping"
7    general-key: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.general"
8    log-level-key: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.log-level"
9    entity:
10    order:
11      order-status-mapping: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.order.order-status-mapping"
12      payment-status-mapping: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.order.payment-status-mapping"
13      shipping-status-mapping: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.order.shipping-status-mapping"
14      shipping-method-mapping: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.order.shipping-method-mapping"
15    fulfilment:
16      status-mapping: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.fulfilment.status-mapping"
17    unit-conversion-key: "fc.connect.commerce-tools.unit-conversion"

Language: yaml

Name: application-connector.yml


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • Remove the listener configuration for commercetools_events as it has been consolidated at the application.yml. Alternatively, all listener configurations can be done on this file.
  • Add the credential setting to specify the manager name
1  credential:
2    credential-manager: "aws-secrets-manager"

Language: yaml

Name: application-connector.yml


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • Route configuration has changed. All out-of-the-box routes are pre-configured and do not require anything on the yml files unless you have modified those settings. The list provided below is the out-of-the-box commercetools connector routes part of the module and can be removed.
1    - route: "event.failure-summary"
2      handler-name: "EventFailureSummaryJobHandler"
3      props:
4        page-size: 100
5        event-type: ORCHESTRATION_AUDIT
6        event-status: FAILED
7    - route: "batch-location-sync"
8      handler-name: "BatchLocationSyncJob"
9      props:
10        page-size: 500
11    - route: "batch-inventory-sync"
12      handler-name: "InventorySyncJob"
13      props:
14        page-size: 500
15    - route: "batch-product-catalogue-sync"
16      handler-name: "ProductCatalogueSyncJob"
17      props:
18        query: "ct-catalogue-search.graphql"
19        page-size: 500
21    - route: "commercetools.connect.category.upsert"
22      handler-name: "CategoryUpsert"
23      props:
24        query: "ct-category.graphql"
25    - route: "commercetools.connect.customer.upsert"
26      handler-name: "CustomerUpsert"
27      props:
28        query: "ct-customer.graphql"
29    - route: "commercetools.connect.product.upsert"
30      handler-name: "ProductUpsert"
31      props:
32        query: "ct-product.graphql"
33    - route: "commercetools.connect.order.create"
34      handler-name: "OrderCreateHandler"
35      props:
36        query: "ct-order.graphql"
37        mutation: "ct-updateorderNumber.graphql"
38    - route: "fc.connect.order.webhook.order-status-update"
39      handler-name: "OrderStatusUpdateHandler"
40      props:
41        query: "ct-order.graphql"
42        mutation: "ct-updateorder.graphql"
43    - route: "fc.connect.order.webhook.consignment-status-update"
44      handler-name: "ConsignmentStatusUpdateHandler"
45      props:
46        query: "ct-order.graphql"
47        mutation: "ct-updateorder.graphql"
48    - route: "commercetools.connect.inventory.upsert"
49      handler-name: "InventoryUpsertHandler"
50      props:
51        query-inventories: "ct-inventories.graphql"
52        query-channel: "ct-channel.graphql"
53        mutation-create-inventory: "ct-createinventory.graphql"
54        mutation-update-inventory: "ct-updateinventory.graphql"
55    - route: "commercetools.connect.location.upsert"
56      handler-name: "LocationUpsertHandler"
57      props:
58        query-channel: "ct-channel.graphql"
59        mutation-create-channel: "ct-createchannel.graphql"
60        mutation-update-channel: "ct-updatechannel.graphql"
61    - route: "fc.connect.order.webhook.fulfilment-status-update"
62      handler-name: "FulfilmentStatusUpdateHandler"
63      props:
64        query: "ct-order.graphql"
65        mutation: "ct-updateorder.graphql"        

Language: yaml

Name: application-connector.yml


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • If you intend in keeping route configuration in the yml files, please note that there have been some changes to the configuration property name:
    • `name`
       property has been renamed to “route” and the “handler” has changed to 
    • There is also a new way to group routes. All routes must be under a new parent “route:” property and each kind of route goes under its type
1  routes:
2    message: 
3    job:
4    notification:

Language: yaml

Name: application-connector.yml


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Step arrow right iconConfiguration Optional Changes

  • Docker optional changes
1FROM openjdk:17.0.2-slim
3RUN addgroup spring --system && adduser spring --system --no-create-home --disabled-password --disabled-login --ingroup spring
4RUN mkdir -p /usr/service/logs
5RUN chown -R spring:spring /usr/service/
7ARG version=latest
8COPY target/fluent-connector-${version}.jar /usr/service/connector.jar
10USER spring:spring
11WORKDIR /usr/service/
13CMD [ "java","-jar", "connector.jar", "--spring.profiles.active=connector,${ENVIRONMENT:production}" ]

Language: dockerfile

Name: Dockerfile


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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce