Admin Console
A webapp for managing orders, locations, and inventory, as well as configuring account settings and workflows. Admin Console is deprecated and has been replaced by the Fluent OMS webapp. Please check the deprecation policy for details.
Batch Processing
In the context of Fluent Commerce Batch Processing refers to one of the ways inventory gets ingested in Fluent Order Management and Big Inventory, as the batch process utilizes Fluent Batch API.
Big Inventory
Fluent "Big Inventory" is an enterprise inventory hub provided by Fluent Commerce. Fluent "Big Inventory" is designed to work within your omnichannel ecosystem, managing inventory availability across all your channels to ensure you have a single, unified view of inventory across all of your different go-to-market channels. Dive in deeper in the Getting started with Big Inventory article.
A Connector is a pre-built integration between two or more systems. Fluent Order Management includes a growing library of Connectors that provide configuration-based integration with well-known 3rd party applications and platforms in the ecosystem. Check all the available packages and modules.
Fluent is an event-driven architecture. Events are used in Fluent to trigger business logic and to record when things happen throughout the platform. Events triggering business logic are called orchestration events.
Global Inventory
Global Inventory provides inventory visibility across channels by managing what is to be sold where, enabling the company to make knowledge-based promises to customers. Read more in the Inventory Module Overview article.
An API query language that provides a common interface between the client and the server for data retrieval and manipulations. It allows for adjusting the JSON output of an API endpoint. Read more in the GraphQL Overview article.
Home Delivery
Home delivery is when businesses bring goods or services directly to your doorstep, contrary to a click-and-collect service model, saving you the trip. It's a convenient service offered by many retailers and restaurants, often facilitated by fulfillment centers and efficient logistics. From groceries to gadgets, home delivery has become a popular option, providing customers with convenience and flexibility in their shopping experience.
Inventory Position Update
An Inventory Position Update is a measurement of how many Inventory Positions, Inventory Quantities, or Virtual Positions have been updated or created within your Fluent Account.
This is measured by usage of the Update & Create APIs for each of the 3 entities and any inventory batch items which were processed that don't trigger API usage.
Read more on Getting IPU/IPC visibility.
A Rule is the smallest unit of logic in a workflow. Rules are the building blocks that are composed into Rulesets in a Workflow to deliver business logic.
Reference Modules provide a library of rules to cater to various scenarios, and additional rules can be created to meet specific requirements using the Rules SDK.
Service Point
The storefront application that facilitates pick, pack, and ship.
Please note the Deprecation Announcement.
Single Sign-On
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials. SSO works based upon a trust relationship set up between an application, known as the service provider, and an identity provider. Read more about SSO support in Fluent.