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Glossary term

Fluent is an event-driven architecture. Events are used in Fluent to trigger business logic and to record when things happen throughout the platform. Events triggering business logic are called orchestration events. 

Home Delivery

Glossary term

Home delivery is when businesses bring goods or services directly to your doorstep, contrary to a click-and-collect service model, saving you the trip. It's a convenient service offered by many retailers and restaurants, often facilitated by fulfillment centers and efficient logistics. From groceries to gadgets, home delivery has become a popular option, providing customers with convenience and flexibility in their shopping experience.


Glossary term

Mustache templates are a logic-less template syntax used for generating dynamic content. Named after the appearance of curly braces that resemble a mustache, these templates allow developers to create views by inserting data into predefined placeholders. Mustache is language-agnostic, meaning it can be used in various programming environments, and it emphasizes simplicity and separation of logic from presentation. 


Glossary term

Webhooks are messages triggered by a rule in a workflow. Webhooks have a payload following the structure of an Event, and are sent to a unique URL endpoint. Webhooks are a mechanism to notify third-party systems in real-time when a particular event occurs in the Fluent platform.