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Rules SDK - Event Attributes

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023



 Annotation declares the Event Attributes the Rule requires from the Event.

Key points

  • Event Attributes

It contains 2 properties:

  • `name`
     - the Name of the Event Attribute.
  • `type`
     - the Type of the Event Attribute.

`@EventAttribute(name = "EventAttribute1", type = "STRING")`

Event Attribute Types include:

  • STRING (default)

The Event Attribute Type is used to provide configuration guidance to the Workflow, which is used to drive User Actions on the front end.

When using a complex event attribute type such as a JSON object, it is helpful to provide a meaningful name for that Type to the workflow configurators and frontend developers.

Currently, the Rules SDK only supports a limited set of Attribute Type names, and therefore the JSON attribute must use the default type of 


The Rule code can cast the event attribute into a specific type, such as 


StockReserveDetails Class:

2@Builder(builderClassName = "Builder", toBuilder = true)
3@JsonDeserialize(builder = StockReserveDetails.Builder.class)
4public class StockReserveDetails {
5    String locationRef;
6    Integer requestedQuantity;
8    @JsonPOJOBuilder(withPrefix = "")
9    public static class Builder {
11    }

Language: json

Name: StockReserveDetails Class:


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StockReservationRequest Rule:

1@EventAttribute(name = "StockReserveDetails") // user action attribute declaration type = "STOCK_RESERVE_DETAILS"
2public class StockReservationRequest implements Rule {
4    @Override
5    public <C extends Context> void run(C context) {
6        StockReserveDetails stockReserveDetails = context.getEvent().getAttribute("StockReserveDetails", StockReserveDetails.class);
7        // ...
8    }

Language: json

Name: StockReservationRequest Rule


[Warning: empty required content area]

When declaring a User Action on a Ruleset using this rule, the Event Attribute Type should now be declared as follows:

StockReservation Ruleset & User Action:

2    "name": "StockReservationRequest",
3    "type": "PRODUCT",
4    "subtype": "VARIANT",
5    "eventType": "NORMAL",
6    "rules": [
7        {
8            "name": "FCTRAINAU142.lesley.StockReservationRequest",
9            "props": {
10                "eventName": "SoftReserve",
11                "reservationCatalogue": "DEFAULT:1"
12            }
13        }
14    ],
15    "triggers": [
16        {
17            "status": "ACTIVE"
18        }
19    ],
20    "userActions": [
21        {
22            "context": [
23                {
24                    "label": "Reserve Stock",
25                    "type": "PRIMARY",
26                    "modules": [
27                        "servicepoint"
28                    ],
29                    "confirm": false
30                }
31            ],
32            "attributes": [
33                {
34                    "name": "StockReserveDetails",
35                    "label": "Stock Reservation Details",
36                    "type": "STOCK_RESERVE_DETAILS",
37                    "source": "",
38                    "defaultValue": "",
39                    "mandatory": false
40                }
41            ]
42        }
43    ]

Language: json

Name: StockReservation Ruleset & User Action


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