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Configure a Master Retailer Inventory Catalog notifying Sub-Retailer(s) Virtual Catalog(s)

How-to Guide


Kirill Gaiduk

Changed on:

9 Feb 2025

Key Points

  • Create your Master-Retailer Inventory Catalog
  • Create your Sub-Retailer(s) Virtual Catalog(s)
  • Configure your Inventory Catalog Workflow for Cross-Retailer events sending
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Step arrow right iconCreate Master-Retailer Inventory Catalog

1. Create an (or use an existing) Inventory Catalog.

Use the

mutation or do it via the UI under your Master Retailer.

2. Verify that your Master-Retailer Reference is saved in the


3. Activate the Inventory Catalog.

Use the

mutation or do it via the UI.

Step arrow right iconCreate Sub-Retailer Virtual Catalog(s)

1. Create a (or update an existing) Virtual Catalog, ensuring it is linked to a corresponding Sub-Retailer.

Use the

mutation or do it via the UI.

Add a Virtual Catalog attribute

with the Sub-Retailer Reference value. This will allow the Cross-Workflow event (
) to be sent with the corresponding
of the Retailer who owns the Virtual Catalog.

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2. Assign your Master-Retailer Inventory Catalog to your Sub-Retailer Virtual Catalog.

Use the

mutation or do it via the UI.

Update the Sub-Retailer's Virtual Catalog reference to the Inventory Catalog (

) to your Master-Retailer Inventory Catalog Reference.

3. Activate your Sub-Retailer Virtual Catalog.

4. (Optional) Repeat the Steps 1-3 for all the required Sub-Retailer(s) Virtual Catalogs.

Step arrow right iconConfigure your Inventory Catalog Workflow

1. Set the created Sub-Retailer(s) Virtual Catalog(s) Reference(s) to the


The Rule executes a "Network-Match-Check" for the specified Virtual Catalogs and sends the Cross-Retailer event(s) to those that passed the check.

A Virtual Catalog passes the "Network-Match-Check" when its Network(s) finds a match with a given Inventory Position Location Network(s).

2. Verify that the

Rule parameter has been provided as well.

Step arrow right iconUpdate your Inventory

1. Update your Inventory with:

2. Verify that the target Inventory Position(s) (of your Master-Retailer Inventory Catalog) has been updated.

3. Use the Events page to verify that a desired Cross-Retailer event(s) has been sent to the target Sub-Retailer Virtual Catalog(s).

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4. Verify that the target Virtual Position(s) (of your Sub-Retailer(s) Virtual Catalog(s)) has been updated.