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User Editing Mutation

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • A user can be edited directly on the Fluent OMS UI.
  • It’s only possible to ADD roles to the user on the UI. Removing roles is not feasible from the UI.


Step arrow right iconStep 1: To edit a user, it is necessary to click on EDIT button.

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Step arrow right iconStep 2: Clicking on the button opens Edit drawer.

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Step arrow right iconStep 3: Clicking on the Close icon closes the drawer without saving any changes.

No change is saved.

Step arrow right iconStep 4: Some fields are mandatory for filling and marked with asterisk, so the validation is proceeded.

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Step arrow right iconStep 5: If one wants to add role/roles to the edited user, one needs to click on + ADD ROLES button and Roles form will appear.

  • While editing, it is possible to add new role/roles to a user. It is not allowed to remove existing role/roles.
  • If one wants to add role/roles to the edited user, one needs to click on + ADD ROLES button, and Roles form will appear.
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Step arrow right iconStep 6: To add a context to a role it is necessary to click on + CONTEXT button and inside the Role form Context form will appear.

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Step arrow right iconStep 7: It is possible to add new attribute / attributes to the edited user. In this case one needs to click on + ADD ATTRIBUTE button and Attributes form will appear.

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  • It is not allowed to remove existing attributes.

Step arrow right iconStep 8: Upon click on the SUBMIT button the drawer is closed with updating user entity with entered parameters.

Change is saved.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce