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Rule Info Annotation



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

22 Sept 2023



 Annotation describes the metadata for the Rule. It is important to annotate the Rule as accurately as possible.

The information in the Rule Info


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

22 Sept 2023


The following steps breakdown how the rules should be annotated to make sure that the workflow functions properly.

Key points

  • The rule’s properties are used in the workflow, the WF orchestration modeller, and the rule library. 
  • The syntax in the previous entities needs to follow the methodology explained below.
  • The
    Annotation describes the Event specific metadata for incoming/outgoing action events (rule info
    property respectively).

The information in the Rule Info is used in the following ways:

  • To validate the Rule for Workflow Execution.
  • To provide data to display in the Workflow Orchestration Modeller and Rule Library.

The Rule Info includes the following properties:

  • `name`
     - this is the Rule name. Make sure your Rule Names are descriptive and specific to the intended logic and behavior of the rule.
  • `description`
     - this is a parameterized string used to describe the behavior of the Rule, as well as indicate what and how the Rule Parameters are used.
  • `accepts`
     - this is a list of 
     Annotations (see below) to describe the 
    s for which this Rule will work on.
  • `produces`
     - this uses an 
     Annotation (see below) to describe the Event that the rule outputs.
  • `exceptions`
     - this is a list of 
     classes that this rule might throw. Make sure you read up on Exception Management for more info.

The description Property and the Modeller


 property is also used by the Modeller to display form fields for Parameter values. It is important that all parameters defined for the rule via the 
 annotations are reflected in the description.

The syntax here is important. Wrap parameter names in curly braces 

 as shown below:

2        name = "ExampleRule"
3        , description = "This is the description of the Example Rule using parameter {ParamString1}"
5@ParamString(name = "ParamString1", description = "Parameter String 1", defaultValue = "PS1")
6public class ExampleRule implements Rule {
8    // ...

Language: java

Name: Syntax


[Warning: empty required content area]
2        name = "ExampleRule"
3        , description = "This is the description of the Example Rule using parameter {" + MyRuleConstants.PARAM_STRING_1_NAME + "}"
5@ParamString(name = MyRuleConstants.PARAM_STRING_1_NAME, description = "Parameter String 1", defaultValue = "PS1")
6public class ExampleRule implements Rule {
8    // ...

Language: java

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]

This will render a form field for use within the Modeller:

No alt provided

The @EventInfo Annotation


 Annotation describes the Event specific metadata applicable to either the incoming event (Rule Info 
 property) or the outgoing action event (Rule Info 

The Event Info includes the following properties:

  • `eventName`
     - the Name of the Event produced by this Rule.
  • `entityType`
     - the Entity Type of the Events accepted by this Rule, or the Entity Type of the Event produced by this Rule.
  • `entitySubType`
     - the Sub Type of the Entity of the Event produced by this Rule.
  • `status`
     - the Status of the Entity of the Event produced by this Rule.
1    produces = {
2        @EventInfo(eventName = "{eventName}"
3        , entityType = EventInfoVariables.EVENT_TYPE
4        , entitySubtype = EventInfoVariables.EVENT_SUBTYPE
5        , status = EventInfoVariables.EVENT_STATUS
6    )

Language: java

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce