Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
5 Sept 2024
Fluent Commerce can post standard webhooks to a configured endpoint so that the third-party system can be notified or react to the provided event. For example, common webhook scenarios include order status updates and shipping notifications.
Key points
- A webhook is a way for Orchestrated Workflow Logic to call back to an external application.
- Fluent Commerce provides some standard webhooks as Rules within the Rule Library for common third-party integrations.
- Since the payload and HTTP request cannot be customised, it is rarely necessary to implement a custom rule to send a webhook
A webhook is a way for Orchestrated Workflow Logic to call back to an external application, such as a notification provider, client middleware, or ERP system. The Fluent Orchestration Engine can post an event to a configured endpoint so that the third-party system can be notified or react to the provided event. For example, common webhook scenarios include order status updates and shipping notifications.
Webhooks provide the ability for external systems to rely on receiving the event in real-time rather than having to poll the Fluent APIs for information.
When To Use a Webhook
Webhooks form part of the integration patterns provided by the Fluent Platform, and should be used when appropriate.
Use Case | Webhook? | Event API? | Examples |
Real-time Updates | ✅ | ❌ | Webhooks are perfect for individual orchestrated changes such as Order Status Updates, Shipping Notifications, etc. |
Bulk / High Load Batch Orchestration | ❌ | ✅ | Webhooks must NOT be used under high-load bulk orchestrations such as Inventory Batches. If required, the Event API may be used to query for information. |
Polling | ❌ | Rarely | Webhooks should not be used to poll any third party or external system, ever! We do not recommend polling the Fluent Platform via the Event API; however, if required, this should be done as optimally as possible and not too frequently. |
Standard Webhooks
Fluent Commerce provides some standard webhooks as Rules within the Rule Library for common third-party integrations.
- SendWebhook Rule - see below.
- Email provider hook
- SMS provider hook
- Carrier aggregator hook
- Courier hook
Default SendWebhook Rule
The rule only accepts one parameter, which is the URL.
2 "rules": [
3 {
4 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.SendWebhook",
5 "props": { "url": "https://testwebhook.fluentretail.com/clicksend" }
6 }
7 ]
Language: json
Name: Example
A SendWebhook rule example
The Orchestration Editor can be used to add the rule to the Ruleset in the workflow that is triggered by the specific event that needs to be captured:

Custom Webhooks
Since the payload and HTTP request cannot be customised, it is rarely necessary to implement a custom rule to send a webhook. Rather, the recommended approach is to add a Ruleset to your workflow, naming the specific webhook action required, and simply add the SendWebhook rule to that Ruleset, configured with the target URL. This will take the event received by the Ruleset and post it to the target URL.
Should you wish to enforce more validation on the Event interface for a particular webhook, you can add rules that define required Event Attributes to be present prior to executing the webhook rule itself.
Example Ruleset:
SendOrderStatusUpdateToEcom |
ValidateEventAttribute |
ValidateEventAttribute |
ValidateEventAttribute |
SendWebhook |
Should you wish to perform any additional custom logic not available with composition of existing rules, you may wish to build your own webhook rule using the Fluent SDK, and creating a custom plugin. The custom webhook rule will have access to an Action called
For information on Fluent SDK, please check out the pages below.
Custom Webhook rule failure logic
By default, when a Webhook in a custom Rule fails it reverts back to the default Webhook action logic. To prevent this and use the logic set up in the custom Rule, add the following Setting to any Workflow containing a custom Webhook.
` "settings": {"fc.rubix.sdk.webhook.retry.method":"preserve-event-details"}`
Learn more about adding settings to a Workflow.
Webhook Sample payload
All webhooks posted by the Fluent platform use the standard Event Model. This is the same as the Event API payload. More information can be found under Event API
The following is a sample payload for a webhook:
2 "id": "b34281d0-ada4-11e9-a1a7-5da7a83b9sd97cd",
3 "name": "OrderStatusChange",
4 "accountId": "ACME",
5 "retailerId": "1",
6 "rootEntityId": "123",
7 "rootEntityRef": "O_123",
8 "rootEntityType": "ORDER",
9 "entityId": "123",
10 "entityRef": "O_123",
11 "entityType": "ORDER",
12 "entityStatus": "SHIPPED",
13 "type": "NORMAL"
Language: json
Name: Sample Payload
[Warning: empty required content area]Webhook Retries
There are two options for retry schedules, Exponential Back-off and 2 Second Intervals.
Option A: Exponential Back-off (recommended)
Error / Exception Type | Retries | Default Connection Timeout | Additional Read Timeout | Retry Interval | Retry Fallback Schedule | Retry Max Attempts |
Connection Timeout | ✅ | 10 seconds | 10 seconds | Exponential | Immediate, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day | 4 |
HTTP 4xx | ❌ | - | - | - | - | - |
HTTP 5xx | ❌ | - | - | - | - | - |
All others | ❌ | - | - | - | - | - |
If the Webhook request fails due to a connection timeout, the Workflow Engine will automatically reattempt the Webhook request four times.
The "Retry Delay" for every retry is as follows:
- Immediate: for random errors
- 1 minute: for short-term issues like rate limiting
- 1 hour: for scheduled downtimes
- 1 day: for production outages on the target environment
How to enable Exponential Back-off
To enable Exponential Back-off, add the following setting to the Settings Object in your Workflow:
`"settings": {"fc.rubix.sdk.webhook.retry.schedule":"exponential"}`
To learn how to enable Workflow Settings like this, see the adding a setting to a Workflow guide.
To learn more about available settings, see the Workflow Settings page.
Option B: 2 Second Intervals
Error / Exception Type | Retries | Default Connection Timeout | Additional Read Timeout | Retry Interval | Retry Fallback Formula | Retry Max Attempts |
Connection Timeout | ✅ | 10 seconds | 10 seconds | 2 seconds |
| 3 |
HTTP 4xx | ❌ | - | - | - | - | - |
HTTP 5xx | ❌ | - | - | - | - | - |
All others | ❌ | - | - | - | - | - |
If the Webhook request fails due to a connection timeout, the Workflow Engine will automatically reattempt the Webhook request three times.
The "Retry Delay" for every retry is calculated using the Retry Fallback Formula as below:
- Retry delay for 1st retry = [Math.pow(2, 0) * 2] = 2 seconds
- Retry delay for 2nd retry = [Math.pow(2, 1) * 2] = 4 second
- Retry delay for 3rd retry = [Math.pow(2, 2) * 2] = 8 seconds
Total Retry Delay after all 3 retries = 2 + 4 + 8 = 14 seconds.
How to enable 2 Second Intervals
This option is set as default and does not need to be enabled.
Webhook id
The event that is sent as part of the webhook requires the id field to ensure that the webhook retries are executed correctly. For example, the following code has randomUUID set as id.
1Event event = Event.builder()
2 .id(UUID.randomUUID()) //REQUIRED
3 .name(action)
4 .accountId(incomingEvent.getAccountId())
5 .retailerId(incomingEvent.getRetailerId())
6 .entityId(invoiceId)
7 .entityRef(invoiceRef)
8 .entityType(incomingEvent.getEntityType())
9 .attributes(attributes)
10 .build();
12context.action().postWebhook(webhookEndpoint, event);
Language: json
Name: randomUUID set as id
[Warning: empty required content area]Webhook Exceptions
If the Webhook request fails more than the maximum amount of failures based on the chosen retry schedule, it will audit a
`<RuleName> Exception`
Non-retry-able Webhook Exceptions
If the Webhook Action failed due to an issue in generating the digital signature for the request, then it will not retry since this is not considered a transient exception. Instead, this will be audited as an
For more info on Webhook Signing, see Signature Validation.