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Setup your Development Environment for Rules SDK

How-to Guide


Lesley Dean

Changed on:

1 July 2024

Key Points

  • Step-by-step guide to setup Rule SDK in your local Environment. 


Step arrow right iconPlease note

The Rules SDK is a Java and Maven based software development kit.

By default, Rules SDK expects JDK 8 and Maven 3.6.3, however later versions may be used by modifying the generated project and environment outlined in the (Optional) Update your Plugin Project for JDK 17+ guide.

Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

  • A fully setup and functioning Fluent Account
  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Apache Maven
  • Java IDE (IntelliJ)
  • GraphQL Plugin for IntelliJ
  • NodeJS
  • Postman

Step arrow right iconInstall the Java Development Kit (JDK)

The Rules SDK uses Java 8, however a later version of the JDK can be used. We recommend using JDK 17.

Follow the installation guide for your operating system:

Step arrow right iconInstall Apache Maven

The Rules SDK expects Maven version 3.6, however a later version may be used. We recommend using Apache Maven 3.9.2.

Follow the installation guide for your operating system:

Step arrow right iconInstall a Java IDE (IntelliJ)

Download and install IntelliJ. Community Edition is free.

Step arrow right iconInstall a GraphQL Plugin (GraphQL for IntelliJ)

While this is not a required dependency, it is highly recommended, as it provides a number of helpful IDE features for working with GraphQL.

GraphQL Plugin can also be installed directly from the Marketplace inside IntelliJ:

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconInstall NodeJS

The GraphQL Plugin for IntelliJ uses NodeJS. While most LTS versions should work, we recommend Node v18.

Step arrow right iconInstall Postman

The hands-on labs in this course come with various Postman collections to facilitate interacting with the Fluent APIs.

Step arrow right iconWhat's next?

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