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Operations & Monitoring



Holger Lierse

Changed on:

23 Oct 2024


There are numerous ways of monitoring the Fluent platform and its functionality. We can distinguish between different types of monitoring, such as business or technical monitoring.

Business Monitoring


Holger Lierse

Changed on:

23 Oct 2024


This type of monitoring usually relates to the business execution for particular entities in the Fluent platform. 

Key points

  • This type of monitoring usually relates to the business execution for particular entities in the Fluent platform. 
  • For example: trace of why a
    has been assigned to a particular location, alerting when an order could not be fulfilled, trace of why a specific order has moved into an exception status, notification when a
    remained in a status for a long period of time (via scheduled events)

This type of monitoring will allow customers or technical support to get notified and act on particular cases. 

There are various mechanisms provided by the Fluent platform that support business monitoring:

  • Log events
    Custom rules can create specific log events that can be polled and consumed regularly by the monitoring or reporting systems. The log events can contain the required information and can be used to provide an audit trail for particular entities.
    More information see: Log Action & Events
  • Webhook notifications
    Like log events, webhooks can notify a monitoring or reporting system of business exception scenarios.
    More information see: webhooks
  • Reporting via GraphQL
    The Fluent GraphQL API can be used to extract & generate specific reports, for example, a report which lists orders that have been "stuck" in a particular status for a period of time. These can also be displayed in the Admin Console.
    More information see: Bulk Extracts with GraphQL
No alt provided
    For certain scenarios, such as inventory loading, specific events are being generated, which allow monitoring the progress of a process or exception scenarios. The Fluent Event API provides various filter parameters which will allow to "monitor" particular cases
    More information see: Event API - Event Queries & Inventory Load Verification & Duration

Technical Monitoring


Holger Lierse

Changed on:

23 Oct 2024


This type of monitoring relates to technical issues which occur during the Fluent workflow execution or when calling the Fluent API. Examples would be:

  • Creating an order via the Fluent GraphQL API  fails
  • A specific rule in the workflow fails to execute
  • A specific ruleset in the workflow is not executed

Key points

  • This type of monitoring relates to technical issues that occur during the Fluent workflow execution or when calling the Fluent API. 
  • Examples would be Failing order creation via the Fluent GraphQL API, a specific rule in the workflow failing to execute, or a specific ruleset in the workflow not executed.
  • Similar to the business monitoring a 3rd party monitoring or reporting system can be used to alert and provide the corresponding information exposed by the Fluent platform.

Similar to business monitoring, a 3rd party monitoring or reporting system can be used to alert and provide the corresponding information exposed by the Fluent platform.

To support technical monitoring, the following mechanisms can be used:

  • Log events
    Custom rules can create specific log events which can be polled and consumed on a regular basis by the monitoring or reporting systems. The log events can contain the required information of the technical issue e.g., a particular exception that occurred.
  • Webhook notifications
    Similar to log events, webhooks can be used to notify a monitoring or reporting system of technical exception scenarios.
  • Exception events
    Exception events can be polled via the Events API on a regular basis by a monitoring or reporting system using the category and from/to filters. The retrieved information can be used for alerting & monitoring mechanisms. These events usually contain information on specific rules which have failed and the corresponding entities and also contain low-level stack traces.

Language: text

Name: Exception Event


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • API responses
    Each API call against the Fluent platform (REST or GraphQL) will return to corresponding response codes & messages if the API call is unsuccessful. It is the responsibility of the source system to handle any error response. Some of the API calls are being recorded in specific audit events.
    More information see: Event API - Event Queries
    Similarly to business monitoring the Event API can be used to extract specific ORCHESTRATION and ORCHESTRATION_AUDIT events to identify events that have not triggered a ruleset. For example, where the event status resulted in a NO_MATCH.
    More information see: Event API - Event Queries

Operational Tasks & Manual Intervention


Holger Lierse

Changed on:

23 Oct 2024


when comes to operational tasks or troubleshooting, the user might have various ways to check and/or run the workflow.

Key points

  • Manual intervention in case of any business or technical issues can be done via (Re-)Sending of an event, Direct GraphQL, or Manual Event with Run-Once Workflow.
  • Prior to that, the issue has been thoroughly investigated, and it is clear what the root cause is.
  • A good understanding of what the action to resolve the issue is, e.g., what event needs to be re-triggered, and what code needs to be modified is needed.

In case of any business or technical issues which require manual intervention, the issue needs to be thoroughly  investigated, and it is clear what the root cause is via:

  • ORCHESTRATION and ORCHESTRATION_AUDIT events (any exception events, unexpected NO_MATCH events, ...)
  • understanding of the workflow execution (and how the ORCHESTRATION and ORCHESTRATION_AUDIT events relate to it)
  • GraphQL queries of the relevant entities
  • understanding of the relevant custom plugin code & platform rules which form part of the execution

Manual intervention can be done via the following:

  • (Re-) Sending of an event
    Events can be manually sent into the platform via the Event API. This will re-trigger the corresponding business logic (and execute the workflow rulesets). 
1POST {{fluentApiHost}}/api/v4.1/event/sync

Language: json

Name: Sending of an event


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "name": "{{ruleset_name}}",
3  "accountId": "{{fluentAccountId}}",
4  "retailerId": "{{retailer_id}}",
5  "entityId": "{{entity_id}}", // for legacy entities such as ORDER, FULFILMENT, LOCATION... (order, location, fulfilmentOption domains)
6  "entityRef": "{{entity_ref}}", // for new entities such as VIRTUAL_POSITION, INVENTORY_CATALOGUE, BILLING_ACCOUNT... (gi, billing account, return order domains)
7  "entityType": "{{entity_type}}",
8  "attributes": {
9    // custom payload goes here
10  }

Language: json

Name: Event payload structure


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "name": "VirtualCatalogueEvent", 
3  "retailerId": "{{retailer_id}}",
4  "entityRef": "BASE:{{retailer_id}}",
5  "entityType": "VIRTUAL_CATALOGUE",
6  "rootEntityRef": "BASE:{{retailer_id}}",
7  "rootEntityType": "VIRTUAL_CATALOGUE",
8  "attributes": {
9    "ref": "{{ip_ref}}",
10    "inventoryCatalogueRef": "DEFAULT:{{retailer_id}}"
11  }

Language: json

Name: Example event


[Warning: empty required content area]
  • Manual Event with Run-Once Workflow
    In some cases, it is necessary only to execute specific rules or parts of a workflow (without triggering further logic in the workflow. This can be achieved via events with a run-once workflow.
    More information see: Manual Event with Run-Once Workflow
  • Direct GraphQL
    Some scenarios require direct modification of data without executing any business logic. This can be achieved via GraphQL mutations:
    More information see: Graphql mutation