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Build a Webhooks Monitoring Dashboard

How-to Guide


Lesley Dean

Changed on:

7 July 2024

Key Points

  • For Frontend Configurators (JSON) of the Fluent OMX UX Framework with access to a small custom component
  • Enable a visual Webhooks Monitoring Dashboard in the Fluent OMS (or any other Fluent web app)
  • How to add a new page to the Insights section
  • How to query the Event API for Webhook Audit Events
  • How to use the
    component to display information from the Fluent REST APIs using standard the standard UX Component Library
  • Access specific attributes by name (even when they contain spaces!)
  • How to conditionally color code a specific table column
  • How to display a details drawer from a list
  • How to display contextual Webhook information on the Order Details screen



Step arrow right iconOverview

Monitoring any key business system is key to ensuring the optimal and smooth running of the business itself.

Connecting many different systems is a fundamental need for order management systems, which are part of an enterprise architecture. If communication between these systems breaks down, this can cause costly impacts, such as delays in fulfilling customer orders, inaccurate data across systems, and more.

The Fluent OMX Workflow Framework supports Webhooks, which are sent via a Rule in a Workflow and tracked within the Orchestration Audit Events.

What if we could provide Support & Operations personnel with the observability of these Webhooks quickly inside a Fluent OMX web app?

This article will guide you through configuring a Webhooks Dashboard inside the Fluent OMS web app.

Problem Statement & Scenario

Step arrow right iconProblem Statement

Webhooks are used to send information from Fluent products to external systems. These are implemented using the

Rule from the Core Module in a Workflow.

Every Webhook action produced is logged in the Orchestration Audit Events, accessible via the Events screen in the Fluent OMS web app or through the Event API.

Webhooks are often an important part of an entity's lifecycle, and as such, it is important to monitor Webhooks sent by the Fluent Platform regularly to ensure that no issues occur and cause significant delays in fulfilling your customer's orders.

While you could use Events screen in the Fluent OMS web app, or even add a new page using the default

component with preconfigured filters, this doesn’t provide the most relevant information in the list specific to Webhooks.

Step arrow right iconScenario

Ideally, we configure a new Webhooks Dashboard that displays only relevant Webhook information, making it quick and simple to see if everything is working as expected.

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A Webhooks Dashboard for monitoring Webhooks in Fluent OMS (Zoom Image)


Step arrow right iconApproach

Since Webhook audit information is available through the Event API, we need to be able to query the Webhook Orchestration Audit Events and present them on the screen.

In a previous article, we implemented a handy custom component that can make REST API calls and provide the results to the data property of any child components.

Let’s use this to configure a new Webhooks Dashboard.

Implementation Steps

Step arrow right iconStep 1: Add a new Page to the Insights section on Fluent OMS

Let’s use the existing Insights section in the Fluent OMS web app, and add a new page to build our Webhooks Dashboard.

Inside the

file, add the following snippet to the
array on the section route:

2  "type": "page",
3  "path": "/devrel-webhooks-dashboard",
4  "nav": {
5    "label": "DevRel Webhooks Dashboard",
6    "icon": "MdEvent"
7  },
8  "component": "fc.page",
9  "props": {
10    "title": "DevRel Webhooks Dashboard - Updated on: {{dateStringFormatter (dateAdd)}}"
11  },
12  "descendants": [
13    {
14      "component": "fc.page.section.header",
15      "props": {
16        "title": "Webhooks - Last 24 Hours"
17      }
18    }
19  ]

Language: json

Name: Webhooks Dashboard Page Config


Manifest Configuration for the Webhooks Dashboard page

The snippet above defines a new page on path

, using the standard

Additionally, it sets the

details for display in the left navigation menu, sets the page title, and added a simple section header descendant (child component).

Step arrow right iconStep 2: Configure the `devrel.provider.rest` component to query for Webhook Audit Events

We’ll use a custom provider component to query the Event API for Webhook Action Audit Events.

Inside the

array of the
component, beneath the section header, add the following snippet:

2  "component": "devrel.provider.rest",
3  "props": {
4    "endpoint": "api/v4.1/event",
5    "props": {
6      "name": "Send Webhook",
7      "category": "ACTION",
8      "from": "{{dateStringFormatter (dateSubtract hours=24) 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' true}}"
9    }
10  },
11  "descendants": [
12    /* Children */
13  ]

Language: json

Name: Configure the REST Data Provider Component


Adding the REST Data Provider Component manifest configuration to the Webhooks Dashboard page

In this snippet, we’ve configured the

component to call the Fluent Event API, and see the filter criteria via the

To retrieve the Audit events for Webhooks, we query the Event API for Events with a name of “Send Webhook”, and a category of “ACTION”. Additionally, we’ll query the last 24 hours by setting the

parameter to a relative timestamp from now.

Step arrow right iconStep 3: Add Child Components to display the Webhook information

Let’s start with something simple, and display a Dashboard Threshold tile to display the total number of Webhooks sent in the last 24 hours.

Add the following snippet to the descendants of the

component declaration:

2  "component": "fc.dashboard.threshold",
3  "props": {
4    "label": "Sent",
5    "value": "{{results.length}}"
6  }

Language: json

Name: Dashboard Threshold Tile configuration


Configuring the first Dashboard Threshold Tile with REST based data

To display the count, we simply set the value to the results array length.

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A Standard Dashboard Threshold Tile Component showing the total Webhooks sent in the last 24 hours

Now, let’s make it more interesting, and add a list. Since we are displaying Webhook Action events only, we can configure this list to display the standard Webhook Event Attributes, which gives us access to details about the Webhook Request, Response, and any Exceptions that may have occurred.

Here is an example of a Webhook Action Audit Event:

2  "id": "80341b8d-66cc-4619-8e6f-dc458d5a4758",
3  "name": "Send Webhook",
5  "accountId": "FCTRAINAU1251",
6  "retailerId": "1",
7  "category": "ACTION",
8  "context": {
9    "sourceEvents": [
10      "a5f02716-eb0f-11ee-946a-dbc474cefc67"
11    ],
12    "entityType": "ORDER",
13    "entityId": "980",
14    "entityRef": "HD_7323",
15    "rootEntityType": "ORDER",
16    "rootEntityId": "980",
17    "rootEntityRef": "HD_7323"
18  },
19  "eventStatus": "SUCCESS",
20  "attributes": [
21    {
22      "name": "Request Endpoint",
23      "value": "https://39e52e0a-eef8-4349-aafa-a9ec213c1d5a.mock.pstmn.io/OrderStatusUpdateNotification",
24      "type": "STRING"
25    },
26    {
27      "name": "Request Headers",
28      "value": "flex.signature=[CahPe2zhT/jNCHuIW0urQyWCNXogdcEQQPdMD6bvD5I4CQHAQbqRWRgyzJaLtPYANVodGrtgiTcS0/0PJb5jLxuRDuXrWrBVRTmHqQ8iFIIYnKNgwm2utjLWIuK3aBnz7hhIugdgMjEKLsakeIT5n+3fOttV1n/f2nQomxXokJs=]&fluent-signature=[Owv+GbBHMGt2txPtmzOAT7xfudvg5bgZsRlUV0aDTCLFmNrxDPZKejE1rWKbW7FCJ8FNrAeO5/6tnpFLQJWg6ggCAo+9DfguSoJ8sgP25JvlJgcp4P5I+qzxHVTQdvIJ33NKT7Xei1PDFgZdH6IA9P6C3hnztzRgvX0qxnaFcVQ=]&Content-Type=[application/json]",
29      "type": "STRING"
30    },
31    {
32      "name": "Response Body",
33      "value": "{ \"message\": \"Notify: I'm a Tea Pot\" }",
34      "type": "STRING"
35    },
36    {
37      "name": "Response Headers",
38      "value": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin=[*]&Connection=[keep-alive]&X-RateLimit-Reset=[1711416354]&Date=[Tue, 26 Mar 2024 01:25:06 GMT]&X-RateLimit-Remaining=[117]&ETag=[W/\"26-b/Z+NSe+HrEYTJHVYWLGXtxbT5I\"]&Vary=[Accept-Encoding]&X-RateLimit-Limit=[120]&x-srv-span=[v=1;s=893426db16f1d71d]&x-srv-trace=[v=1;t=542a937ae712a09a]&Content-Length=[38]&Content-Type=[text/html; charset=utf-8]",
39      "type": "STRING"
40    },
41    {
42      "name": "Response code",
43      "value": 418,
44      "type": "INTEGER"
45    },
46    {
47      "name": "Response reason",
48      "value": "I'm a Teapot",
49      "type": "STRING"
50    },
51    {
52      "name": "startTimer",
53      "value": 1711416305945,
54      "type": "STRING"
55    },
56    {
57      "name": "stopTimer",
58      "value": 1711416306667,
59      "type": "STRING"
60    }
61  ],
62  "source": "-626199502.FulfilmentAssigned",
63  "generatedBy": "Rubix User",
64  "generatedOn": "2024-03-26T01:25:06.667+00:00"

Language: json

Name: Sample Webhook Action Audit Event JSON


Example of the Webhook Action Orchestration Audit Event

There is lots of useful information here. As with any Orchestration Audit Event, we can see the Retailer Id, the Entity information, which tells use which specific entity the Webhook was for, the timestamp of when the event was generated, and the start and stop timer Event Attributes which tell us how long the Action ran for. We can use the latter 2 attributes to display the duration of time that the webhook request took to execute.

We also see the Webhook specific Request and Response Event attributes. Let’s first add the basic context fields to a list:

2  "component": "fc.list",
3  "props": {
4    "title": "Webhooks",
5    "dataSource": "results",
6    "responsiveness": "card",
7    "attributes": [
8      {
9        "label": "Timestamp",
10        "value": "{{dateStringFormatter generatedOn 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS' true}}"
11      },
12      {
13        "label": "Entity Info",
14        "value": "{{context.rootEntityType}}: {{context.rootEntityRef}} - {{context.entityType}}: {{context.entityRef}}"
15      },
16      {
17        "label": "Response Time",
18        "value": "{{subtract attributes.byName.stopTimer attributes.byName.startTimer}}ms"
19      },
20      {
21        "label": "Retailer Id",
22        "value": "{{retailerId}}"
23      }
24    ]
25  }

Language: json

Name: Webhooks list manifest configuration


Configure the Webhooks Dashboard List

Notice how we’re formatting the

field, including the milliseconds. This is helpful for debugging when there may be a number of simultaneously webhooks being sent within the same second.

We’re printing the Root Entity and Entity information in a single column.

Next, we’re using a Template helper function to calculated the Response Time, and finally, we’re displaying the Retailer Id, which is helpful for differentiating which Retailer context is being used in multi-retailer accounts.

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Initial Webhooks list configured with Event Context (Zoom Image)

Step arrow right iconStep 4: Add Webhook specific Attributes to the List

Now let’s add some of the Webhook specific attributes to display in the list. The most useful attributes to display in the list might be “Request Endpoint”, the “Response code”, and the “Response reason“. 

We can use the

accessor to retrieve the attributes we want to display, but first a note about attribute naming. These Webhook Audit events are generated by the Workflow Engine, so we cannot change them. Each of the Webhook-specific Event Attributes have a space in the name, but the
accessor does not support spaces!

Thankfully, the Component SDK

function handles this for us, by simply removing any characters that are not alpha-numeric or an underscore. This means that we can still access the specific attributes we want to use with the
accessor by simply removing the spaces:

1// To access an attribute with a space in the name using the 'byName' accessor,
2// simply remove the space.
4// For example: For an attribute named 'Request Endpoint':

Language: json

Name: Syntax for `byName` accessor for Attributes with spaces in the name


[Warning: empty required content area]


component has already handled calling the
function, so all we need to do is add the columns we want to display to the list definition.

Let’s add a column for the endpoint:

2  "label": "Request Endpoint",
3  "value": "{{attributes.byName.RequestEndpoint}}"

Language: json

Name: Endpoint Column config


Configuration for the Webhook Endpoint column in the List

And then let’s put the Response code and reason in one column like this:

2  "label": "Response Code - Reason",
3  "template": "{{attributes.byName.Responsecode}} - {{attributes.byName.Responsereason}}"

Language: json

Name: Response Code - Reason column


Configuration for the Webhook Response Code and Reason column in the List

The list component configuration should now look like this:

2  "component": "fc.list",
3  "props": {
4    "title": "Webhooks",
5    "dataSource": "results",
6    "responsiveness": "card",
7    "attributes": [
8      {
9        "label": "Timestamp",
10        "value": "{{dateStringFormatter generatedOn 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS' true}}"
11      },
12      {
13        "label": "Entity Info",
14        "value": "{{context.rootEntityType}}: {{context.rootEntityRef}} - {{context.entityType}}: {{context.entityRef}}"
15      },
16      {
17        "label": "Request Endpoint",
18        "value": "{{attributes.byName.RequestEndpoint}}"
19      },
20      {
21        "label": "Response Code - Reason",
22        "template": "{{attributes.byName.Responsecode}} - {{attributes.byName.Responsereason}}"
23      },
24      {
25        "label": "Response Time",
26        "value": "{{subtract attributes.byName.stopTimer attributes.byName.startTimer}}ms"
27      },
28      {
29        "label": "Retailer Id",
30        "value": "{{retailerId}}"
31      }
32    ]
33  }

Language: json

Name: Webhooks List Configuration


Webhooks List Configuration

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Webhooks List with Webhook specific Attributes (Zoom Link)

Step arrow right iconStep 5: Add some Styles to the Response Code and Reason

Our list is now displaying some valuable information about the webhooks that have occurred in the last 24 hours. This is great… but we could make it even easier to identify problems by using some styling on the Response Code - Reason column.

To do this, we can use the options object of the list attribute and use the styles array to set conditional styling based on the values of the Response code.

Each style declaration can take a value and a matches property, which allows us to configure the conditions. Now instead of setting a style for each and every error response, we can make the default colour red, and just add a matches for the success response codes (200, 202, and 204).

1"options": {
2  "styles": [
3    {
4      "value": "{{attributes.byName.Responsecode}}",
5      "matches": ["200", "202", "204"],
6      "icon": { "name": "MdCheckCircle", "colour": "success" },
7      "text": { "color": "success" }
8    },
9    {
10      "value": "{{attributes.byName.Responsecode}}",
11      "icon": { "name": "MdError", "colour": "error" },
12      "text": { "color": "error" }
13    }
14  ]

Language: json

Name: Styling the Response Code - Reason column


Configure Conditional Styling on the Response Code - Reason column

Notice that we can use the standard Material Icons by prefixing with the “Md” and then the icon name. You can search Material Symbols and Icons available here

This makes it really easy to see the errors stand out at a glance:

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Webhooks List with conditional styling on Response Code - Reason column (Zoom Image)

Step arrow right iconStep 6: Add a Webhook Details Drawer

When there are errors, it is useful to be able to see more information quickly. To handle this, let’s add a right drawer component to show more details from the Webhook Action event.

The Component Library comes with a

which can be added as a column to the list. We can then populate the drawer with any other components to display more details about the specific record.

So to complete our Webhooks Dashboard page, let’s use 3 standard attribute cards to display the Request details, Response details, and Exception details in the drawer respectively.

Add the following snippet as the last column in the Webhooks list:

2  "label": "Webhook Details",
3  "type": "component",
4  "options": {
5    "component": "fc.drawer.button",
6    "props": {
7      "label": "Details",
8      "title": "Webhook Details",
9      "descendants": [
10        {
11          "component": "fc.card.attribute",
12          "props": {
13            "title": "Request Details",
14            "attributes": [
15              {
16                "label": "Request Endpoint",
17                "value": "{{attributes.byName.RequestEndpoint}}"
18              },
19              {
20                "label": "Request Headers",
21                "value": "{{attributes.byName.RequestHeaders}}"
22              },
23              {
24                "label": "Request Body",
25                "value": "{{attributes.byName.RequestBody}}"
26              }
27            ]
28          }
29        },
30        {
31          "component": "fc.card.attribute",
32          "props": {
33            "title": "Response Details",
34            "attributes": [
35              {
36                "label": "Response Code",
37                "value": "{{attributes.byName.Responsecode}}"
38              },
39              {
40                "label": "Response Reason",
41                "value": "{{attributes.byName.Responsereason}}"
42              },
43              {
44                "label": "Response Headers",
45                "value": "{{attributes.byName.ResponseHeaders}}"
46              },
47              {
48                "label": "Response Body",
49                "value": "{{attributes.byName.ResponseBody}}"
50              }
51            ]
52          }
53        },
54        {
55          "component": "fc.card.attribute",
56          "props": {
57            "title": "Exception Details",
58            "attributes": [
59              {
60                "label": "Exception",
61                "value": "{{attributes.byName.Exception}}"
62              },
63              {
64                "label": "Stacktrace",
65                "type": "component",
66                "options": {
67                  "component": "fc.attribute.json",
68                  "dataSource": "attributes.byName.Stacktrace"
69                }
70              }
71            ]
72          }
73        }
74      ]
75    }
76  }

Language: json

Name: Webhook Details Drawer configuration


Configuration for the Webhook Details Drawer

Here is the result:

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Webhook Details Drawer with 503 Error Response (Zoom Image)

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Webhook Details Drawer with Stacktrace Error (Zoom Image)

What else can you do?

Step arrow right iconThe Art of the Possible...

This tutorial will end here, but there are many more things you can do should you need to:

  • Split the Root Entity and Entity columns, and hyperlink them to enable quick access to the entity detail screen
  • You could hyperlink the Request Endpoint, but this is rarely useful, since most webhook endpoints should be configured to receive POST HTTP methods
  • You could also enhance the Webhooks page to support additional time ranges

Additionally, you can use this same technique to display webhooks information contextually to specific entities. For example, you may want to enable a Webhooks list on the Order details screen:

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Example of showing Webhook Audit information on the Order Details screen (Zoom Image)

You could follow this through to sub-entities too, such as fulfilments, articles, consignments, etc. Each time, you simply refine the query parameters to be passed to the Event API query in the

component, to narrow the search to a specific scope.


Step arrow right iconWrapping up

In this article, you learned how to use the

component to configure a Webhooks Dashboard for monitoring Webhooks sent by your Fluent workflows.

There are plenty of other useful things you can do with the

component, both by tailoring additional Event API queries, or by using data from any of the other Fluent Platform REST APIs.