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External Network Notification



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 Oct 2023


In this sample project, we will go through some basic features of the SDK by creating a connector that can receive notifications from Fluent System, which is processed and sent to any external system like Email, Slack, Datadog, etc.

These are the topics covered by this guide:

  • Create a new Handler for receiving Notification from Fluent System
  • Send Notifications to an external network
  • Schedule Job Handler for Monitoring failed events

External Network Notification


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 Oct 2023

Key Points

  • Prerequisites
  • Script Execution
  • Create a new Handler for receiving notifications from Fluent Platform
  • Schedule Job Handler to Monitoring failed events


Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

  • localstack container is running
  • You have access to a Fluent account

There is a script 

 bundled with the project that can be used to set up localstack. The script requires some parameters to be configured before it can be executed.

It is best to do the following:

First, run this command to open a session with the localstack container

1docker exec -it localstack /bin/bash

Language: java

Name: Command


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Then use the commands below to create the secrets, but ensure to update the variables: $ACCOUNT, $RETAILER, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD and $REGION. Regions values are: sydney, dublin, singapore or north_america.

  • API key/secret for communicating with external network

When communicating with an external network/platform from its client API interface, it always requires some kind of key or token used for access.
A script 

 is bundled with the project that can be used to set up localstack and the necessary credentials. The script requires some parameters to be configured before it can be executed.

Step arrow right iconScript Execution:

First, run this command to open a session with the localstack container

docker exec -it localstack /bin/bash Then use the commands below to create the secrets. Make sure to update the variables: $ACCOUNT, $EMAIL_SECRET_KEY, $EMAIL_SENDGRID_API_KEY. Please check the localstack-setup.sh script for more details.

For Email:

1awslocal secretsmanager create-secret --name fc/connect/external-network-notification/$ACCOUNT/$EMAIL_SECRET_KEY --secret-string "{\"apiKey\" : $EMAIL_SENDGRID_API_KEY }";

Language: java

Name: Command


[Warning: empty required content area]

For Slack:

1awslocal secretsmanager create-secret --name fc/connect/external-network-notification/$ACCOUNT/$SLACK_SECRET_KEY --secret-string "{\"webHookUrl\" : \"$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL\" }"

Language: java

Name: Command


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconCreate a new Handler for receiving notifications from Fluent Platform:

SDK Default Handler:

A default implementation of [NotificationHandler] i.e. [DefaultNotificationHandler] is provided by the SDK

No alt provided

Note that this handler will read the setting from Fluent OMS with the key: 

 (E.g: fc.connect.external-network-notification.NOTIFICATION.EVENT-FAILURE-SUMMARY)

The setting has the following format :

2    "notificationRoutes": [
3        "email",
4        "slack"
5    ]

Language: json

Name: Example


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No alt provided

Note that this handler will read the setting from Fluent OMS with the key: 

 (E.g: fc.connect.external-network-notification.NOTIFICATION.EVENT-FAILURE-SUMMARY.email)

The setting has the following format :

2    "recipients": [
3        "to_0@example.com",
4        "to_1@example.com"
5    ],
6    "emailFrom": "from@example.com",
7    "subject": "Notification.Event-failure-summary",
8    "content": "Hi,\nCheck insights for event log failures\n\nAccount : {{accountId}} \nRetailer : {{retailerId}}\nFromDate : {{fromDate}} UTC\nToDate: {{toDate}} UTC\n\nTotal Number of Failures : {{totalFailureCount}} \nFailures by type: {{summaryList}}"

Language: java

Name: Example


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Custom Email Handler:

Any new Notification handler must implement the interface 

 provided by the SDK.

Take EmailNotificationHandler as an example:

3@HandlerInfo(name = "EmailNotificationHandler", route = "email")
4public class EmailNotificationHandler implements NotificationHandler {
7  // For example only. Don't put it here. This can be placed inside EmailNotificationData
8  private static final String SECRET_NAME = "send-grid";
9  private final EmailTemplateProcessor templateProcessor;
11  @Autowired
12  public EmailNotificationHandler(final EmailTemplateProcessor templateProcessor) {
13    this.templateProcessor = templateProcessor;
14  }
16  /**
17   * Handle notification to send email with SendGrid. This method execution can be refactored into another
18   * service to dynamically handle mail sending process and/or any other Mail client dependency.
19   *
20   * @param context context includes the message to be processed along with some common used SDK services.
21   */
22  @Override
23  public void processNotification(@NotNull final NotificationHandlerContext context) {
24    // Configuration from OMS setting .
25    final var data = context.getNotificationConfiguration(EmailNotificationData.class, EmailNotificationData.empty());
26    // Payload that will contain the referencing values that later applied to raw content of the mail template.
27    final var referencingPayload = context.getMessage().getPayload();
28    final var rawContent = data.content();
29    var updatedEmailContent = templateProcessor.processEmailContent(rawContent, referencingPayload);
30    Mail mail = toMail(data, updatedEmailContent);
31    sendEmail(mail, prepareSendGrid(context));
32  }
35  // Removed for brevity

Language: java

Name: Example


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Handling Notification

  • The 
     method is the entry point for the handler. It will be called by the SDK when a new Notification Event is published.
  • The 
     parameter contains the message to be processed along with some common used SDK services:
  • `EmailNotificationData`
     : POJO object that contains the FluentOMS Settings for sending the email : 
  • `referencingPayload`
     : A Mapping for the referencing value for the Email Raw Content. > For example: > > You have a raw content of the mail defined inside 
    `FluentOMS Settings`
     like: > > 
    `Dear {{customerName}},....`
     > > The {{customerName}} will be replaced by the value of 
     by the actual value specified in the message data.
ProcessingEmail Content:
  • The conversion from message template to final email content is very basic in this example and the intent is to simply demonstrate the feature - NotificationTemplateProcessor. Please consider proper templating libraries when using it in a production environment.

Sending Email:

For the current example, we are using SendGrid as the email client.

1private static SendGrid prepareSendGrid(@NotNull final NotificationHandlerContext context) {
2        String accountId = context.getAccountReference().accountId();
3        final Credential credential = context.getCredentialService().getCredentials(accountId, Collections.singleton(SECRET_NAME));
4        Optional<SendGridData> secret = credential.getSecret(SECRET_NAME, SendGridData.class);
5        if (secret.isEmpty()) {
6            throw new SecretNotFoundException("SendGrid cannot be initialized");
7        }
8        return new SendGrid(secret.get().apiKey());

Language: java

Name: Example


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  • This class scope 
     method is used to initialize the 
     client. The 
     is a POJO object that contains the apiKey for the 
  • The SendGridData is retrieved from the Credential service. The Credential service is used to retrieve the secret from the Secrets Manager of the localstack.

Slack Notification Handler:

We are going to follow the same approach as the Email Handler.

This sample implementation is used for both email and slack: DefinedTemplateNotificationHandler.

The only difference is how we are going to set up mandatory configuration as a Slack client to send notification.

For detail steps, please refer to this link Sending Message Using Slack Web hook.

Step arrow right iconSchedule Job Handler to Monitoring failed events

Trigger a Job:

1curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/fluent-connect/scheduler/add/<ACCOUNT>/<RETAILER>/event-failure-summary-monitor

Language: java

Name: Command


[Warning: empty required content area]

Example of the CURL with the replaced values:

1curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/fluent-connect/scheduler/add/cnctdev/34/event-failure-summary-monitor

Language: java

Name: Example


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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce