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Enable GraphQL Auto Complete in Postman

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • Prerequisites
  • Steps to Follow


Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

The following dependencies are required for this How To

Step-by-step guide

Step arrow right iconStep 1: Introspect the Fluent GraphQL Schema

Step arrow right iconStep 2: Save the response to a file

This is easily done in the Postman Response pane, by selecting the "Save Response" dropdown on the right.

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Give it a meaningful name: 


Step arrow right iconStep 3: Convert the JSON GraphQL Schema to GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL)

Use the response file from Step 2: Save the response to a file and refer to the guide on How to convert a JSON Introspection result to Schema Definition Language (SDL).

Step arrow right iconStep 4: Create a new Postman API and collection

Step arrow right iconStep 5: Configure the GraphQL Request Body to validate against the GraphQL API

  • Open a new Request window, and configure it for GraphQL.
  • Click on the No schema dropdown (you may need to click on the refresh button first), and select the GraphQL API installed in Step 4
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  • In the Query pane, use 
    `Ctrl + Space`
     to initiate auto-completion!
    Click on the thumbnails below for examples.
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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce