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Introspect the Fluent GraphQL Schema using Postman

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • To Introspect the Fluent GraphQL schema, run an Introspection Query against the Fluent GraphQL API Endpoint. Below is the raw GraphQL Introspection Query.


Step arrow right iconGraphQL Introspection Query

1query IntrospectionQuery {
2    __schema {
3        queryType { name }
4        mutationType { name }
5        types {
6            ...FullType
7        }
8        directives {
9            name
10            description
11            locations
12            args {
13                ...InputValue
14            }
15        }
16    }
18fragment FullType on __Type {
19    kind
20    name
21    description
22    fields(includeDeprecated: true) {
23        name
24        description
25        args {
26            ...InputValue
27        }
28        type {
29            ...TypeRef
30        }
31        isDeprecated
32        deprecationReason
33    }
34    inputFields {
35        ...InputValue
36    }
37    interfaces {
38        ...TypeRef
39    }
40    enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {
41        name
42        description
43        isDeprecated
44        deprecationReason
45    }
46    possibleTypes {
47        ...TypeRef
48    }
50fragment InputValue on __InputValue {
51    name
52    description
53    type { ...TypeRef }
54    defaultValue
56fragment TypeRef on __Type {
57    kind
58    name
59    ofType {
60        kind
61        name
62        ofType {
63            kind
64            name
65            ofType {
66                kind
67                name
68                ofType {
69                    kind
70                    name
71                    ofType {
72                        kind
73                        name
74                        ofType {
75                            kind
76                            name
77                            ofType {
78                                kind
79                                name
80                            }
81                        }
82                    }
83                }
84            }
85        }
86    }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: GraphQL Introspection Query


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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce