Change the Delivery Address
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
3 Dec 2023
Key Points
- Customer Service Personnel can change the home delivery (HD) addresses for HD orders.
- This functionality is available via Fluent OMS for HD orders PENDING_PAYMENT, BOOKED, CREATED, PICK_PACK statuses.
Step 1.
To change address, it is necessary to click on the More button on the Order Details page and select Change Address.

Step 2.
Clicking on the button opens the Change Address drawer, which displays delivery information for an order and the text field Change Reason.

Step 3.
Clicking on the Close icon closes the drawer without saving any changes.
Step 4. Upon clicking on Submit button
- Change Address drawer closes;
- a notification message appears (success message or error if there is an issue in the workflow or events are not processing);

- Delivery Info is updated according to changes made;
- A comment with Change reason is added to the Comments tab.