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Updating a Workflow

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

1 July 2024

Key Points

  • A Workflow can be updated as long as the user has the right permissions.
  • A Workflow can be updated via the IMPORT/EXPORT button or via API.


Step arrow right iconUpdating a Workflow

Updating a Workflow JSON

Workflows can be updated via the IMPORT/EXPORT button available on the Workflow Builder UI or directly via the API.


The user needs 

, and 
 permissions to add a new Workflow. These permissions are included in the 

Updating a Workflow via the IMPORT/EXPORT button

The Workflow Builder provides an IMPORT/EXPORT button on each Workflow, which allows users to view, edit, and save changes to the workflow directly via the UI.

No alt providedNo alt provided

Updating a Workflow via API

To update an existing Workflow on your Fluent Account, send your updated Workflow JSON to the following URL via the 



Language: html

Name: Updating a Workflow via API


[Warning: empty required content area]

Sample successful update response

If your request was successful, you should receive the following response:

2    "entityId": "{{retailerID}}-{{workflowName}}::{{workflowVersion}}",
3    "eventStatus": "COMPLETE"

Language: json

Name: Sample successful update response


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce