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Fluent STORE: capture Driver Name and Vehicle Number in the Carrier Collection Screen

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

14 Sept 2023

Key Points

  • A simple way to add user action to capture driver name and vehicle number in the carrier collection process.


Step arrow right iconupdate HD workflow

Update the ARTICLE_COLLECTED ruleset in the Order HD workflow:

2            "name": "ARTICLE_COLLECTED",
3            "description": "Courier Collection",
4            "type": "ARTICLE",
5            "subtype": "DEFAULT",
6            "eventType": "NORMAL",
7            "rules": [
8                {
9                    "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.AddEventAttributesToEntity",
10                    "props": {
11                        "attributeNames": [
12                            {
13                                "name": "PICKUP_TIME",
14                                "type": "STRING"
15                            },
16                            {
17                                "name": "DRIVER_NAME",
18                                "type": "STRING"
19                            },
20                            {
21                                "name": "VEHICLE_NO",
22                                "type": "STRING"
23                            }
24                        ]
25                    }
26                },
27                {
28                    "name": "RANDY.commonv2.ChangeStateGQL",
29                    "props": {
30                        "status": "COLLECTED"
31                    }
32                },
33                {
34                    "name": "RANDY.commonv2.SendEventForFulfilmentV2",
35                    "props": {
36                        "eventName": "ArticleCollected"
37                    }
38                }
39            ],
40            "triggers": [
41                {
42                    "status": "COURIER_COLLECTION"
43                }
44            ],
45            "userActions": [
46                {
47                    "eventName": "ARTICLE_COLLECTED",
48                    "context": [
49                        {
50                            "label": "COLLECT with driver Detail",
51                            "type": "PRIMARY",
52                            "modules": [
53                                "servicepoint"
54                            ],
55                            "confirm": false
56                        }
57                    ],
58                    "attributes": [
59                        {
60                            "name": "PICKUP_TIME",
61                            "label": "Pickup Time",
62                            "type": "STRING",
63                            "source": "storageAreaRef",
64                            "defaultValue": "2022-07-29 12:55",
65                            "mandatory": false
66                        },
67                        {
68                            "name": "DRIVER_NAME",
69                            "label": "Driver Name",
70                            "type": "STRING",
71                            "source": "DRIVER_NAME",
72                            "defaultValue": "",
73                            "mandatory": false
74                        },
75                        {
76                            "name": "VEHICLE_NO",
77                            "label": "Vehicle Number",
78                            "type": "STRING",
79                            "source": "VEHICLE_NO",
80                            "defaultValue": "",
81                            "mandatory": false
82                        }
83                    ]
84                }
85            ]
86        },

Language: plain_text

Name: ARTICLE_COLLECTED in the HD workflow


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconTest the userAction in the STORE app

Refresh the browser, go to the carrier collection screen, select a couple of articles and click on the COLLECT WITH DRIVER DETAIL button

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Step arrow right iconSide drawer popped up, enter the details.

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Step arrow right iconClick on Submit button and OMS will return a confirmation:

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Step arrow right iconCheck the data in Postman

Query the article, the driver name and vehicle number have been captured in the attribute level:

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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce