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Enable "Update Customer" UI mutation as User Action

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Jan 2024

Key Points

  • enable updateCustomer on the UI via manifest modifications


Step arrow right iconupdate Setting

Go to setting:

`fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.ordermanagement `
and add the following code to the customer's page:

1"actions": {
2                            "primary": [
3                                {
4                                    "type": "mutation",
5                                    "label": "Update Customer",
6                                    "name": "updateCustomer",
7                                    "args": {
8                                        "ref": "{{customerById.username}}"
9                                    }
10                                }
11                            ]
12                        },

Language: json

Name: code snippet for enable updateCustomer


[Warning: empty required content area]
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Step arrow right icontest the change

After saving the change,  refresh the screen and go to a customer detail page. The user is now able to update the customer over the UI:

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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce