Rules SDK - Getting Started
Lesley Dean
Changed on:
1 July 2024
The Rules SDK is a Java based software development kit, which provides Java developers with a toolkit for creating custom Rules for the Fluent OMX Workflow Framework.
The Workflow Framework is a highly configurable and extendable part of the Fluent OMX Platform, which facilitates orchestration of business logic for the Fluent Order Management System.
Getting Started with the Rules SDK
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
1 July 2024
Key Points
- The Rules SDK is a Java and Maven based software development kit.
- The Rules SDK comes with a Maven Archetype for generating a new Rules Plugin Project, and a handy script file to run the project generation steps.
- The page covers the steps to package and deploy custom Rules Plugin, add LogHelloWorld Rule to a workflow, and trigger workflow execution to run the Rule.
You will need:
- A good understanding of the Workflow Framework and Building Workflows
- Access to a Fluent Account
- The role on your Account Admin User
Note: If you are using a Training Account, this role is already applied to your Account Admin User
Steps to Complete
- Step 1: Setup your Development Environment
- Step 2: Create a new Rules Plugin project
- (Optional) Update your Plugin Project for JDK 17+
- Step 3: Write your first Rule (Hello World)
- Step 4: Deploy and run