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commercetools connector - Order Sync


Changed on:

31 Jan 2024


The Order Sync is responsible for exporting orders from commercetools to Fluent and receiving order updates.

Detailed Technical Description

Key Features

  • Triggers customer export when an order is placed
  • Exports new orders to Fluent
  • It opens a webhook to receive Fluent order-related updates. Other extensions like fulfilment and consignment will leverage this webhook
  • Updates order status based on Fluent updates


  • Does not sync old orders created before the extension is installed
  • Out-of-the-box(OOTB) connector supports order creation, and the order update/changes handler needs to be customized specifically to the implementation need
  • Currently, HD and CC types are supported OOTB. The relevant order create handler can be overridden or a new one written to add for other order types and send in more order attributes 

Technical Details

The CT-Queue message queue is used to export orders. Once an order is saved in commercetools, the system triggers the relevant event to the external queue (ct-queue), which the queue listener observes. The queue listener triggers message routes using the message name and handler. The message handler will push the order data to Fluent OMS.

No alt provided

CT Queue: Any order creation will be pushed to ct-queue using commercetools subscriptions. Out-of-the-box(OOTB) connector uses AWS Event Bridge and can be implemented with other queues/subscriptions supported by commercetools. More details on commercetools subscription.  

CT Queue Listener: This class reads the message from CT-Queue and pushes it to the Event queue.

Event Queue: The event queue is responsible for holding the event message to be processed further.

Message Router: It will read the message name from the Event queue and pass it to the appropriate handler. In case of order changes, the message name will be mapped against route properties named “

“, and the route will be the “
“. The inclusion filter will be responsible for filtering out the message type.

1- route: "commercetools.connect.order.create"
2     props:
3        name: "order"
4        inclusion-filter:
5          - "ResourceCreated"

Language: json

Name: commercetools.connect.order.create


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Order Create Handler: This will be a class that reads message data from the internal queue and, based on the order identifier, fetches more information from commercetools-SDK ( The core commercetools SDK, which interacts with commercetools APIs ) and maps them with Fluent data model and pushes it to Fluent OMS.

The message handlers are fully extensible. Partners can make the changes as per their requirements. The commercetools-connector allows message routing with flexible message handlers to process and transform data moving from a source to a destination. Partners can change the message names and override the classes. It is fully expected the order create handler will be overridden to send in more attributes specific to the implementation.

Out-of-the-box(OOTB) commercetools-connector provides the ability to create auto-generated order numbers based on order type. Fluent supports two order types HD(Home Delivery) and CC (Click and Collect); hence the order number gets generated with a specific pattern for their types, as shown below:

CC Order: “order-” (order-CC201022133420)
HD Order: “order-” (order-HD201022122149)

1//Auto order number creation logic
2final String orderType = getOrderType(context, order.get().getShippingInfo().getShippingMethod().getKey());
3if (StringUtils.isBlank(orderType)) {
4    throw new UnprocessableMessageException("Order type is missing");
6String orderNumber = order.get().getOrderNumber();
7if(StringUtils.isEmpty(orderNumber)) {
8    orderNumber = generateOrderNumber(orderType, accountReference.getRetailerId());
9    updateOrderNumber(ctApiClient, getQuery(context, "mutation"), order.get(), orderNumber);

Language: json

Name: orderType example


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The order type will be determined based on the shipping method, which is configured on Fluent Oms app > Admin > Settings > 

, refer Fluent Setting for more details.

Customers will be created with the order creation process. It checks if the customer first exists in the fluent retailer and, if not, will create a new customer by using fluent customer Graphql mutation.

1//Customer identification/creation logic
2String customerId;
3  if (null == customerQueryData.customer()) {
4      createCustomer(context, accountReference, order.get());
5      customerId = context.ofFluentContext().executeQuery(customerQuery, GetCustomerQuery.Data.class).customer().id();
6  } else {
7      customerId = customerQueryData.customer().id();
8  }

Language: json

Name: customer graphql mutation


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Example to extend the functionality

Partners can override existing handlers using the application-connector.yml and Handler class. To change the logic of the Order Create handler, first go to

 , replace the “handler” under routes > name > handler node.

2  routes:
3    - name: "commercetools.connect.order.create"
4      handler: "OrderCreateHandler"
5      props:
6        query: "ct-order.graphql"
7        mutation: "ct-updateorderNumber.graphql"

Language: json

Name: application-connector.yml


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New handlers can also be added directly to the above 


Create a new Handler that extends 

 and ensure that your package is under the main SDK package 
, for example: 
 for more details on how to extend, please refer the Extend Guidelines

3@HandlerInfo(name = "FluentOrderCreateHandler", description = "Create a order at Fluent OMS")
4public class FluentOrderCreateHandler extends MessageHandler {
5    private static final String ORDER_ATTRIBUTE = "order";
6    // write your logic

Language: json

Name: <your-handler>.java


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Order Queries and Mutation

Below are the queries and mutations that come as an Out-of-the-box(OOTB) feature with the commercetools-connector and are fully flexible and can be overridden by the partners.

Order mutation to create order on the Fluent OMS app

1mutation CreateOrder($input: CreateOrderInput) {
2  createOrder(input: $input) {
3      ref
4      id
5      status
6  }

Language: json

Name: create order mutation


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Order query to fetch order from Fluent OMS app

1query GetOrder($ref: String!) {
2  order(ref: $ref) {
3    ref
4    id
5    status
6    attributes{
7      name
8      type
9      value
10    }
11  }

Language: json

Name: Order query


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Query to fetch order from commercetools 


1query Search($id: String, $orderNumber: String) {
2  search: order(id: $id, orderNumber: $orderNumber) {
3    id
4    version
5    orderNumber
6    totalPrice {
7      type
8      currencyCode
9      centAmount
10      fractionDigits
11    }
12    taxedPrice {
13      totalNet {
14        type
15        currencyCode
16        centAmount
17        fractionDigits
18      }
19      totalGross {
20        type
21        currencyCode
22        centAmount
23        fractionDigits
24      }
25      totalTax {
26        type
27        currencyCode
28        centAmount
29        fractionDigits
30      }
31    }
32    custom {
33      customFieldsRaw {
34        name
35        value
36      }
37    }
38    customer {
39      id
40      email
41      firstName
42      lastName
43      title
44      defaultShippingAddress {
45        phone
46      }
47      defaultBillingAddress {
48        phone
49      }
50    }
51    lineItems {
52      id
53      variant {
54        sku
55      }
56      quantity
57      state {
58        quantity
59        state {
60          id
61          key
62        }
63      }
64      custom {
65        customFieldsRaw {
66          name
67          value
68        }
69      }
70      taxedPrice {
71        totalNet {
72          type
73          currencyCode
74          centAmount
75          fractionDigits
76        }
77        totalGross {
78          type
79          currencyCode
80          centAmount
81          fractionDigits
82        }
83        totalTax {
84          type
85          currencyCode
86          centAmount
87          fractionDigits
88        }
89      }
90    }
91    shippingInfo {
92      deliveries {
93        id
94        custom {
95          customFieldsRaw {
96            name
97            value
98          }
99        }
100        parcels {
101          id
102          trackingData {
103            trackingId
104            carrier
105            provider
106            providerTransaction
107            isReturn
108          }
109        }
110      }
111      shippingMethodName
112      shippingMethod {
113        name
114        key
115        predicate
116      }
117      taxedPrice {
118        totalNet {
119          type
120          currencyCode
121          centAmount
122          fractionDigits
123        }
124        totalGross {
125          type
126          currencyCode
127          centAmount
128          fractionDigits
129        }
130        totalTax {
131          type
132          currencyCode
133          centAmount
134          fractionDigits
135        }
136      }
137    }
138    shippingAddress {
139      title
140      firstName
141      lastName
142      streetName
143      streetNumber
144      additionalStreetInfo
145      postalCode
146      city
147      region
148      state
149      country
150      company
151      department
152      building
153      apartment
154      pOBox
155      phone
156      mobile
157      email
158      fax
159      additionalAddressInfo
160      externalId
161      key
162    }
163    billingAddress {
164      title
165      firstName
166      lastName
167      streetName
168      streetNumber
169      additionalStreetInfo
170      postalCode
171      city
172      region
173      state
174      country
175      company
176      department
177      building
178      apartment
179      pOBox
180      phone
181      mobile
182      email
183      fax
184      additionalAddressInfo
185      externalId
186      key
187    }
188  }

Language: json

Name: GetOrder.graphql


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Mutation to update order in commercetools

1mutation Search($id: String!, $version: Long!, $actions: [OrderUpdateAction!]!) {
2  search: updateOrder(id: $id, version: $version, actions: $actions) {
3    id
4  }

Language: json

Name: update order


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