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SCIM Local Development Setup

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 May 2024

Key Points

  • Local development uses localstack to emulate AWS services
  • AWS CLI Configuration is optional
  • IntelliJ and Eclipse / STS  Setup in local environment


Step arrow right iconLocalstack

Local development uses localstack to emulate AWS services. Run the command below to have the image downloaded and the container is running. Note that the container is always set to run unless stopped. Be aware that secrets and messages are not persisted between server restarts.

1docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d localstack

Language: sh

Name: localstack command


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Step arrow right iconAWS CLI Configuration (Optional)

This is only required if one wants to send events to the queues in localstack or manage secrets through the AWS CLI outside the localstack container. Run the AWS configuration and set your profile. The access key values can be anything, but the region has to be us-east-1

1aws configure --profile localstack
2export AWS_PROFILE=localstack

Language: sh

Name: AWS profile


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!!! Please note that localstack region is defaulted to "us-east-1".

Step arrow right iconIntelliJ Setup

Create a run configuration setting the spring profiles and environment variables and selecting the correct pre-configured localstack AWS profile. The application runs the same way as in production, achieved by the properties below.

  • Active Profiles
    • `connector`
       profile is always required, and it can be followed by the environment the application is running on (dev, test, qa or production).
    • `dev`
       is a handy profile for local development with AWS. It enables the SDK to auto-start the queue and use some pre-configured values for development.
  • AWS credential profile/region: Select the localstack profile and set the region to US-EAST-1.
No alt provided

Ensures the region matches with localstack and allows Spring to do the correct wiring of the AWS libraries.

For the IntelliJ community version, pass the spring profile configuration as JVM parameters:


Language: sh

Name: Spring profile


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Step arrow right iconEclipse / STS Setup

Create a run configuration and set the spring profiles.

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconDependencies

Here are the required dependencies :

2    <groupId>com.fluentcommerce.connect</groupId>
3    <artifactId>connect-sdk-core</artifactId>
6     <groupId>com.fluentcommerce.connect</groupId>
7     <artifactId>connect-sdk-core-aws</artifactId>
10     <groupId>com.fluentcommerce.connect</groupId>
11     <artifactId>connect-sdk-core-web-security</artifactId>

Language: xml

Name: pom.xml


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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce