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Connector SDK - External Webhooks Integration



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023


The Connect SDK offers seamless integration with webhooks, enabling you to receive messages and perform various actions based on incoming calls. This document provides an overview of the core features of the Connect SDK and outlines the steps to integrate it into your application.

Core Functionality & Configuration


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023


The Connect SDK offers seamless integration with webhooks, enabling you to receive messages and perform various actions based on incoming calls. This document provides an overview of the core features of the Connect SDK and outlines the steps to integrate it into your application.

Key points

  • The Core functionalities are included:
    • Send HTTP Request
    • Authentication Verification
    • Message Queue Integration
  • Configuration

Core functionality

  • Send HTTP Request: The Connect SDK External Webhooks receive HTTP calls from the External Webhooks Endpoint. These calls contain a request payload with Authentication Context.
  • Authentication Verification: The Connect SDK External Webhooks feature must be used with our Web Security Module. The verification process utilizes an Authentication Filter to verify any client request. Follow this page for more details.
  • Message Queue Integration: Upon receiving an incoming webhook message, the SDK transforms the request payload into the Connect SDK's internal message format and places it into the message queue. This allows partners to leverage the power and scalability of message queues for efficient message processing.
No alt provided
What is the endpoint exposed for webhooks:

Connect SDK inherently provides an external webhook endpoint at 

. When operated locally on port 8080, the URL becomes 
. When deployed elsewhere, the URL becomes 


By default, Connect SDK provides a list of default public endpoints and two custom authentication filters:

1  security:
2    web:
3      publicEndpoints:
4        - "/actuator/**"
5        - "/api/docs"
6        - "/swagger-ui.html"
7        - "/api/v1/fluent-connect/webhook"
8        - "/api/v1/fluent-connect/scheduler/**"
9      customAuthFilters:
10        - "com.fluentcommerce.connect.core.web.security.filters.ApiKeyAuthenticationFilter"
11        - "com.fluentcommerce.connect.core.web.security.filters.FluentOauthTokenAuthenticationFilter"

Language: java

Name: Security


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Testing the external webhook endpoint exposed by Connect SDK locally

Test the external webhook endpoint exposed by Connect SDK locally


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points


Step arrow right iconTest the external webhook endpoint exposed by Connect SDK locally

Connect SDK inherently provides a webhook endpoint at 

. When operated locally on port 8080, the URL becomes
. Any request directed to this endpoint is automatically filtered and authenticated by 
 module and placed in the event message queue. The webhook payload can be processed if the webhook’s request body: 
 property aligns with any of the "message handler" provided.

Webhook Request:


1Authorization: <insert authorization value>
2fluent.account: <insert associated fluent account value>

Language: java

Name: Header


[Warning: empty required content area]


Below is the sample request body when calling the external webhook endpoint:

  • `route`
    : The defined handler for handling the webhook request.
  • `payload`
     : Data payload context that a defined Handler handles. The size limit for the 
     data varies by the type of queue defined for the Connect SDK:
    • SQS: 256KB
    • Kafka: 1MB (default settings)
    • GCP Pubsub: 10MB
2  "route" : "your-defined-handler-route",
3  "payload" : {
4      // props 
5   }

Language: json

Name: Body


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For example:

2  "route" : "fc.connect.sample-weather-update",
3  "payload": {
4        "id":"demo-weather",
5        "code":"300",
6        "temperature":"40",
7        "description":"Hot Day"
8  }

Language: json

Name: Request


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2@HandlerInfo(name = "weather-update", route = "fc.connect.sample-weather-update")
3public class WeatherDataMessageHandler implements MessageHandler {
4    @Override
5    public void processMessage(@NotNull final MessageHandlerContext context) throws UnprocessableMessageException, HandlerRetryException {
6        UpsertSettingUtils.upsertSetting(getPayload(context), context, UpsertSettingUtils.FLUENT_SETTING_KEY);
7    }
9    protected WeatherData getPayload(final MessageHandlerContext context) {
10        // Extract data by defined Class `WeatherData`
11        final Optional<WeatherData> payload = context.getMessagePayload(WeatherData.class);
12        // Extract data by key-value 
13        final Optional<Map> payload = context.getMessagePayload(Map.class);
14        // Handling optional data...
15    }

Language: java

Name: Custom Handler Class:


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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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