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Settings Creation and Editing Mutations

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

1 July 2024

Key Points

  • A setting can be added or modified directly via UI.
  • A new setting requires its name, context, the identifier of the context, the value, and the value type.


Step arrow right iconPrerequisites:

Mutations createSetting and updateSetting are enabled in the manifest.

The user has an assigned role with the following permissions:


Step arrow right iconFollow the steps to create a Setting:

Step 1. Click on the CREATE SETTING button on the Settings List page.

Step 2. Fill in the necessary information. Some fields are mandatory for filling, so the validation proceeds. Fields to be filled in:

  • Setting name.
  • The type of context. Possible values are GLOBAL, ACCOUNT, RETAILER, AGENT, CUSTOMER.
  • The unique identifier of the context.
  • Value. 
  • Value type. Possible values are BOOLEAN, INTEGER, JSON, STRING, and LOB.

Step 3. Click on the SUBMIT button. A new setting is created in the System. After refreshing the page, the newly created setting will be displayed in the Settings List.

Step arrow right iconFor editing a Setting, follow the steps:

Step 1. Click on the EDIT button on the Setting Details page.

Step 2. Edit the setting and click on the SUBMIT button. The drawer will close, and the update will be processed.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce