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Order Revision Workflow Templates Overview

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 July 2024

Key Points

  • Order Revision implementation can be done either from the UI or via Postman.
  • This implementation requires workflow changes and adding a few specific settings. The detailed process is covered in this article.


Step arrow right iconOverview

User action capability is used to revise an Order. It is possible to configure Order Revision functionality via both UI and Postman.

Configuration via UI

Step arrow right iconStep 1: Check Billing Account Flow

No alt provided

In case there is no Billing Account Flow in the Orchestration, it is necessary to add the workflow via PUT request using Postman.

PUT request:





The name of the Fluent account


The Fluent deployment Environment type for the particular Fluent Account (SANDBOX, PRODUCTION, TEST, STAGING).



Step arrow right iconStep 2. Update Order workflow

Home Delivery (HD) Order workflow

Add the following JSON fragments to the ruleset.

Create Ruleset

Create Ruleset HD JSON

EvaluateRevisedOrder Ruleset

Revised Order Ruleset HD JSON

OrderRevision Ruleset

Order Revision Ruleset HD JSON


New Billing Account HD JSON


Process Billing Account HD JSON


Order Cancel HD JSON

Add the following JSON fragment to the statuses:

1"statuses": [
2    {
3        "name": "",
4        "entityType": "ORDER",
5        "category": "DONE"
6    },
7    {
8        "name": "CREATED",
9        "entityType": "BILLING_ACCOUNT",
10        "category": "BOOKING"
11    },
12    {
13        "name": "",
14        "entityType": "BILLING_ACCOUNT",
15        "category": "DONE"
16    },
17    {
18        "name": "",
19        "entityType": "RETURN_ORDER",
20        "category": "DONE"
21    }

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]
Click and Collect (CC) Order workflow

Add the following JSON fragments to the ruleset:

Create Ruleset

Create Ruleset CC JSON

EvaluateRevisedOrder Ruleset

Revised Order Ruleset CC JSON

OrderRevision Ruleset

Order Revision CC JSON


New Billing Account CC JSON


Process Billing Account CC JSON


Order Cancel CC JSON


 should be replaced with Account name.

Add the following JSON fragment to the statuses:

1"statuses": [
2    {
3        "name": "",
4        "entityType": "ORDER",
5        "category": "DONE"
6    },
7    {
8        "name": "CREATED",
9        "entityType": "BILLING_ACCOUNT",
10        "category": "BOOKING"
11    },
12    {
13        "name": "",
14        "entityType": "BILLING_ACCOUNT",
15        "category": "DONE"
16    },
17    {
18        "name": "",
19        "entityType": "RETURN_ORDER",
20        "category": "DONE"
21    }

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 3. Default Tax Type

Check if the setting 

 exists. If not you need to add it.

Go to Admin > Settings and filter the list of settings by name.

No alt provided

To add a new setting click on Create Setting button and fill the following:


2    "country": "AUS",
3    "group": "STANDARD",
4    "tariff": "GST"

Language: json

Name: DEFAULT_TAX_TYPE setting


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 4. Exchange Reason

Check if the setting 

 exists. If not you need to add it.

Go to Admin > Settings and filter the list of settings by name. To add a new setting click on Create Setting button and fill the following:

No alt provided


2    {
3    "label": "fc.order.orderRevision.wrong.size",
4    "value": "wrong-size"
5    },
6    {
7    "label": "fc.order.orderRevision.change.mind",
8    "value": "change-mind"
9    },
10    {
11    "label": "fc.order.orderRevision.change.variant",
12    "value": "change-variant"
13    }

Language: json



[Warning: empty required content area]

Note: Context Id = Retailer Id

Step arrow right iconStep 5. GST setting

Check if the setting 

 exists. If not you need to add it.

Go to Admin > Settings and filter the list of settings by name. To add a new setting click on Create Setting button and fill the following:

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconStep 6. Product list

Check if the setting 

 exists. If not you need to add it.

Go to Admin > Settings and filter the list of settings by name. To add a new setting click on Create Setting button and fill the following:

No alt provided

fc.mystique.search.product.list setting

Mystique Search Product List Setting JSON

Parameters from which displayed columns can be configured in 


  • imageURL
  • Product name
  • Product item reference
  • Attributes
  • Catalogue
  • Price

Note: In case 

 setting doesn’t exist ‘Add Item’ dialogue will contain only a list of product items and their pictures (default configuration).

'Add Item' dialogue default configuration

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Step arrow right iconStep 7. Product Query

Check if the setting 

 exists. If not you need to add it.

Go to Admin > Settings and filter the list of settings by name. To add a new setting click on Create Setting button and fill the following:

No alt provided
2    "query": "query products {variantProducts (first: 5, status: \"ACTIVE\")  {edges {node {id catalogue {ref} ref name gtin  summary tax {country group tariff} attributes {name value} categories {edges {node {name}}} prices {type currency value}}}}}"

Language: json

Name: fc.mystique.search.product.query setting (example)


[Warning: empty required content area]

A base entity for Add item dialog query is VariantProduct. It has references with the following list of entities:

  • StandardProduct
  • ProductCatalogue
  • Category
  • Price
  • TaxType
  • Attribute
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Database schema snippet

VariantProduct.graphql file contains max amount of VariantProduct attributes. It is possible to make custom configuration excluding unnecessary attributes.

Note: In case 

 setting doesn’t exist ‘Add Item’ dialogue will contain data according to the default configuration.

VariantProduct.graphql file containing a query which returns max amount of VariantProduct attributes.

Configuration via Postman

Step arrow right iconConfiguration guide

Order Revision configuration steps:

Use Postman collection to do the following:

  • Authenticate using POST request Fluent Auth - Retailer FC_FASHION.
  • Get Setting using GET request Get the Retailer settings.
  • Get workflow by Retailer Id and Workflow Name using GET request of the same name.
  • Create settings (if necessary) using POST requests:
    • Create 
    • Create 
    • Create 
    • Create 

Post a basic Billing Account workflow (if necessary) using POST request of the same name.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce