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Enable article barcode scanning

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Jan 2024

Key Points

  • Working with barcodes


Step arrow right iconOverview

To allow article barcode scanning in Service Point, a barcode needs to be added to the corresponding Article entity. This article describes how this can be achieved.

If a barcode is entered in the “Scan or enter barcode” field in Service Point the articles which have the corresponding barcode set are retrieved and displayed as follows:

  • If multiple articles have the same barcode, the articles will be shown in the table list.
  • If only a single article exists with the barcode it is automatically selected and the following screen in the process is shown.

Service Point performs the following legacy REST API call to search for articles with the corresponding barcode:


Language: java

Name: Service Point


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To add a barcode to an article the "addBarcode" action needs to be triggered as shown in the following example:

1context.action().addBarcode(articleEntity, ``"ARTICLE_BARCODE"``, ``"123"``);

Language: java

Name: Add a barcode to an article


[Warning: empty required content area]


  • The addBarcode() action is only available in a V1 rule context. When executed it performs a REST call against the corresponding Article API.
  • Once the barcode is set it cannot be updated or retrieved again.
  • Multiple barcodes can exist against an article.

Working with barcodes

Step arrow right icon1) The addBarcode() action can also be executed via a direct API call POST

1 {{fluentApiHost}}/api/v4.``1``/article/{{articleId}}/barcode

Language: java

Name: Barcode API


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  ``"barcode"``:``"123"``, ``//scannable barcode
3  ``"barcodeType"``:``"ARTICLE_BARCODE"` `//a type. e.g. REWARDS_CARD, ARTICLE_BARCODE, ...

Language: java

Name: Payload


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Step arrow right icon2) In a rule, addBarcode can be executed. A base plugin rule exists (code can be found in the SDK) which retrieves specific attributes from the corresponding order and sets them as barcodes on the article

Rule AddArticleBarcodeFromOrderAttributes:

1package` `com.fluentretail.rubix.foundation.rule;
2import` `com.fluentretail.api.model.BarcodeReferencableEntity;
3import` `com.fluentretail.api.model.article.Article;
4import` `com.fluentretail.api.model.attribute.Attribute;
5import` `com.fluentretail.rubix.context.Context;
6import` `com.fluentretail.rubix.rule.Rule;
7import` `com.fluentretail.rubix.rule.meta.ParamString;
8import` `com.fluentretail.rubix.rule.meta.RuleInfo;
9import` `com.fluentretail.rubix.util.RuleUtils;
10import` `lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
11import` `java.util.List;
12import` `static` `com.fluentretail.rubix.util.RuleUtils.validateSupportedType;
14 ``*
15 ``*/
17    ``name = ``"AddArticleBarcodeFromOrderAttributes"``,
18    ``description = ``"Add Article Barcode from the Order Attributes <attributeNames> "``,
19    ``produces = {}
22    ``name = AddArticleBarcodeFromOrderAttributes.PROP_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES,
23    ``description = ``"Name of the attributes to create Barcode from"
26public` `class` `AddArticleBarcodeFromOrderAttributes ``implements` `Rule {
28  ``public` `static` `final` `String PROP_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = ``"attributeNames"``;
30  ``@Override
31  ``public` `void` `run(Context context) {
32    ``RuleUtils.validateRuleProps(context, PROP_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES);
33    ``BarcodeReferencableEntity entity = validateSupportedType(context.getEntity(), BarcodeReferencableEntity.``class``);
34    ``List<String> attributeNames = context.getPropList(PROP_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES, String.``class``);
36   ``Article articleResponse = context.api().getArticle(entity.getId());
37    ``String orderId = articleResponse.getOrderId();
38    ``Attribute.List entityAttributesResponse = context.api().getOrderAttributes(orderId);
39    ``entityAttributesResponse.getAttributes().forEach(attribute -> attributeNames.forEach(attributeName -> {
40      ``if` `(attributeName.equals(attribute.getName())) {
41        ``context.action().addBarcode(entity, attribute.getName(), (String) attribute.getValue());
42      ``}
43    ``}));
44  ``}

Language: java

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.AddArticleBarcodeFromOrderAttributes",
3  "props": {
4    "attributeNames": ["barcode"]
5  }

Language: json

Name: Sample Workflow Snippet


[Warning: empty required content area]
1mutation CreateOrder ($retailerId:ID!,
5$ccLocRef:String!) {
6  createOrder(input: {
7        ref: "CC_{{$randomInt}}"
8        retailer: { id:$retailerId }
9        type: "CC"
10        customer: { id:$customerId }
11        totalPrice:80.00
12        attributes:{
13            name:"barcode"
14            value: "B1234"
15            type: "STRING"
16        }
17        items: [{
18            ref: $productRef
19            productRef: $productRef
20            productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
21            price: 80.00
22            paidPrice:80.00
23            totalPrice:80.00
24            taxPrice:8.00
25            totalTaxPrice: 8.00
26            quantity:1
27            currency:"AUD"
28        }],
29        fulfilmentChoice: {
30            currency: "AUD"
31            deliveryType: "STANDARD"
32            fulfilmentPrice:5.00
33            fulfilmentTaxPrice:0.99
34            fulfilmentType: "CC_PFS"
35            pickupLocationRef: $ccLocRef
36        }
37    }) {
38        id
39    }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Sample Order Mutation


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NOTE: Since the rule expects a String as the order attribute and attribute values starting with a number are interpreted to ensure that the order attribute barcode value starts with a character.

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