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Enable Japanese language in Fluent OMS / STORE

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

14 Sept 2023

Key Points

  • enable Japanese language in OMS via settings modifications


Step arrow right iconUpdate Setting

Go to Setting: i18n.language add Japanese into the JSON:

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Step arrow right iconOpen Chrome

Refresh your browser in Chrome, open up the Developer tools → Network (for monitoring the request traffic) then change user language in top right hand corner of the icon:

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Step arrow right iconGet the default translation file

Refresh the browser or logout and log in again then in the developer tools, look for:




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Step arrow right iconCreate a new setting

Copy the response from the above screen.  Then create a new setting:

  • name: LANGUAGE_JA-JP
  • Context: ACCOUNT
  • Context ID: 0
  • value type: JSON
  • JSON Value:
2    "translation": {
3        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.items": "J: アイテム",
4        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.of": "J: {{total}} の {{count}}",
5        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.picked": "J: ピック済み",
6        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.rejected": "J: 却下",
7        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.subtitle": "J: あなたが持っている",
8        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pack.title": "J: {{count}} 波の中の順序",
9        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pack.title_plural": "J: {{count}} ウェーブでの注文",
10        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.cancelButton.label": "J: キャンセル",
11        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.confirmButton.label": "J: {{count}} 項目を確認",
12        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.confirmButton.label_plural": "J: {{count}} 項目を確認",
13        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.description": "J: 確認しようとしています",
14        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.noRejections": "J: 拒否されたアイテムなし",
15        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.noRejections_plural": "J: 拒否されたアイテムなし",
16        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.pickedCount": "J: {{count}} 選択されたアイテム",
17        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.pickedCount_plural": "J: {{count}} ピックされたアイテム",
18        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.rejectedItem": "J: {{item.name}}",
19        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.rejectedItem_plural": "J: {{count}} × {{item.name}}",
20        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.rejectedLabel": "J: {{count}} アイテムは却下されました",
21        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.action.confirm.rejectedLabel_plural": "J: {{count}} アイテムは拒否されました",
22        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.actions.confirm.label": "J: 商品を確認",
23        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.actions.confirm.label_plural": "J: 商品を確認",
24        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.attributes.heading": "J: [属性",
25        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.picked.heading": "J: ピックされた",
26        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.productName.heading": "J: 商品名",
27        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.quantity.heading": "J: 数量",
28        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.sku.heading": "J: SKU",
29        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.body": "J: {{totalCount}} 項目から {{count}} を選んだ",
30        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirm.title": "J: ピックを確認",
31        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.confirmErrorMessage": "J: 商品を確認できませんでした",
32        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.heading": "J: {{count}} 項目",
33        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.heading_plural": "J: {{count}} アイテム",
34        "fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.scanner.defaultText": "J: バーコードをスキャンまたは入力する"
35    }

Language: plain_text

Name: Japanese setting


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconTest the result

Save the setting. refresh the user browser and see if the new values are getting from your new setting:

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