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setting up Article barcode scanning in Webapps STORE

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

14 Sept 2023

Key Points

  • Step by step to demonstrate how to add dc.scanner.barcode component into the Customer Collections page.  A full reference can be found here


Step arrow right iconSetup fc.scanner.barcode

Copy the sample code fc.scanner.barcode from this link

Step arrow right iconPaste the code in between header component and List component:

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Step arrow right iconTest the change

Refresh the customer collection screen in Fluent STORE, and use the keyboard to enter any unknown article ID.  An error message should be displayed:  

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconHappy test

Then enter an article ID that exists in your sandbox.  The Customer collection screen should be displayed:

No alt provided
Fluent Commerce

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