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Migrate to the New Print Component

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 Oct 2023

Key Points

  • The new print component enables faster printing and additional features.
  • You can update to the new print component by updating the component name and adding the relevant configuration.



Step-by-step guide

Step arrow right iconStep 1: Update the component name

Update the name of the component in your configuration.

Change the component name from 


Step arrow right iconStep 2: Add the behavior property in the configuration


 property is used to enable printing capabilities on this component. The 
 property can have either of the three values:




Opens the browser's print preview.


Opens the modal preview with the print button that triggers the browser's print action


Opens the HTML document in a new tab of the browser


Step arrow right iconStep 3: Make sure your configuration looks like the following example

1             {
2                    "component": "fc.button.print",
3                    "props": {
4                        "label": "fc.detail.label.name",
5                        "setting": "HTML Setting name",
6                        "behavior": "newTab"
7                    }
8                }

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce