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Enable Fluent Store Multi-Parcel

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Nov 2023

Key Points

  • This document serves as a practical hands-on guide to enable Multi-Parcel in your account. 
  • It is recommended to be used alongside the Multi-Parcel field document.


Step arrow right iconUpdate the Store Location workflow

If you have customised the Store Location workflow you may need to refer to your Fluent Partner or team for a customised guide on implementing Multi-Parcel

Within the “Store” Location workflow, edit the 

 ruleset to:

  • Add the rule 

If your workflow contains either of the following rules they can now be removed:

  • `FLUENTRETAIL.base.SendEventForAllFulfilmentsFromWave`
  • `SendEventWithAttributesForAllFulfilments`

Add the following attributes to the same 


1"attributes": [
2    {
3        "name": "allFulfilmentArticles",
4        "label": "All Fulfilment Articles",
5        "type": "MULTI_PARCEL_FIELD",
6        "source": "",
7        "defaultValue": "",
8        "mandatory": true
9    }

Language: json

Name: WaveDispatch Ruleset


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconModify the manifest for the Waves Wizard

  • The proposed changes assume that you are using the supplied 
     fragment and configuring from there.
  • If you have customised or aren’t using the supplied waves fragment, then you may be able to skip this step entirely or refer to your Fluent Partner or team for a customised guide.
  • You will notice that the Pack page will have excess components that we no longer need, resulting in a suboptimal UX. To combat this, we recommend editing the 
     fragment with the following changes:
    • Remove the 
       component from descendants within the 
       component, within the 
    • Add 
      `noCard: true`
       to the props of the 
       component located within the same aforementioned 

Step arrow right iconConfigure your Parcel types

Two options exist for populating the various parcel types that appear on the packing screen. Please note, you can configure different parcel types on all Context levels. Meaning that you can have different Stores with different configurations.

Option A (recommended):

  • Use the 
     setting. Details about this setting can be found within the Multi-Parcel field component page

Option B (legacy):

Supported for backwards compatibility purposes, parcel types can be configured as a location attribute. Please note this option has less fields and supported features, we strongly recommend using Option A.

  • Add a location level attribute
    • Name = 
    • Type = 
    • Value = an array of parcel types, see below example and data dictionary
2    {
3        "name": "Attributes Small Box",
4        "depth": "10",
5        "width": "10",
6        "height": "10",
7        "maxWeight": "10"
8    },
9    {
10        "name": "Attributes Medium Box",
11        "depth": "20",
12        "width": "20",
13        "height": "20",
14        "maxWeight": "20"
15    },
16    {
17        "name": "Attributes Large Box",
18        "depth": "30",
19        "width": "30",
20        "height": "30",
21        "maxWeight": ""
22    }

Language: json



[Warning: empty required content area]
Legacy Location Data Dictionary:






The name of the parcel type. This value will be used as the dropdown option name.



The depth (aka the length) of this parcel type.



The width of this parcel type.



The height of this parcel type.



The maximum weight of this parcel type. The form will not accept a weight value higher than this number. Can be empty or omitted.