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GraphQL Operations

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Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

16 Oct 2024


GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. It provides a complete and easy-to-understand description of the data in your API. Its ability to return select fields enables it to be used with powerful developer tools and ensures that APIs are easily scalable.

Fluent's GraphQL API has two operations:

  • Queries 
  • Mutations

Queries include predefined Queries and Custom Queries, both of which will be covered below.

Key points

  • Operations
  • Queries
  • Mutations
  • Custom Queries


No alt provided


Query operations are used for retrieving data. Fluent's GraphQL API has two types of query operations:

  • Get Operations
  • Search Operations
Get Operations

Get operations always return a single result. These operations should be used when a unique identifier for the object to be retrieved is known. This can be an ID, ref (reference), or both in conjunction. In some cases, it can also be defined by something else. Refer to the GraphQL Queries page for more details.

2  order(ref: "Order-Ref-100") {
3    ref
4    type
5    status
6    items {
7      edges {
8        node {
9          status
10          product {
11            name
12          }
13          paidPrice
14          currency
15        }
16      }
17    }
18    fulfilments {
19      edges {
20        node {
21          status
22          createdOn
23          deliveryType
24          fromAddress {
25            name
26            companyName
27            street
28            state
29            postcode
30          }
31          toAddress {
32            name
33            companyName
34            street
35            state
36            postcode
37          }
38        }
39      }
40    }
41  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Get an Order with ref "Order-Ref-100" - Example Request


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "order": {
4      "ref": "Order-Ref-100",
5      "type": "HD",
6      "status": "BOOKED",
7      "items": {
8        "edges": [
9          {
10            "node": {
11              "status": "NEW",
12              "product": {
13                "name": "simple sku"
14              },
15              "paidPrice": 10,
16              "currency": "AUD"
17            }
18          }
19        ]
20      },
21      "fulfilments": {
22        "edges": [
23          {
24            "node": {
25              "status": "CREATED",
26              "createdOn": "2019-09-19T01:01:42.448Z",
27              "deliveryType": "STANDARD",
28              "fromAddress": {
29                "name": "Darth Vader",
30                "companyName": "Star Wars",
31                "street": "200 Secret",
32                "state": "VIC",
33                "postcode": "3032"
34              },
35              "toAddress": {
36                "name": "Luke Skywalker",
37                "companyName": "",
38                "street": "3 Grandiflora Gr",
39                "state": "VIC",
40                "postcode": "3030"
41              }
42            }
43          }
44        ]
45      }
46    }
47  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Get an Order with ref "Order-Ref-100" - Example Response


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  orderById(id: 100) {
3    id
4    ref
5    type
6    status
7    fulfilments {
8      edges {
9        node {
10          status
11          createdOn
12          deliveryType
13          fromAddress {
14            name
15            companyName
16            street
17            state
18            postcode
19          }
20          toAddress {
21            name
22            companyName
23            street
24            state
25            postcode
26          }
27        }
28      }
29    }
30  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Get an Order with id "100" - Example Request


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "orderById": {
4      "id": "100",
5      "ref": "Order-Ref-100",
6      "type": "HD",
7      "status": "BOOKED",
8      "fulfilments": {
9        "edges": [
10          {
11            "node": {
12              "status": "CREATED",
13              "createdOn": "2019-09-19T01:01:42.448Z",
14              "deliveryType": "STANDARD",
15              "fromAddress": {
16                "name": "Darth Vader",
17                "companyName": "Star Wars",
18                "street": "200 Secret",
19                "state": "VIC",
20                "postcode": "3032"
21              },
22              "toAddress": {
23                "name": "Luke Skywalker",
24                "companyName": "",
25                "street": "3 Grandiflora Gr",
26                "state": "VIC",
27                "postcode": "3030"
28              }
29            }
30          }
31        ]
32      }
33    }
34  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Get an Order with id "100" - Example Response


[Warning: empty required content area]
Search Operations

Search operations filter out objects of a given type. They should be used when searching for objects that meet one or more criteria. An example of such an operation would be to search for and get all Orders of type "HD." Search operations are also great for reporting on particular types.

2  orders(type: "HD") {
3    edges {
4      node {
5        id
6        ref
7        type
8        status
9      }
10    }
11  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: List Orders of type "HD" - Example Request


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "orders": {
4      "edges": [
5        {
6          "node": {
7            "id": "1488206",
8            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-743",
9            "type": "HD",
10            "status": "BOOKED"
11          }
12        },
13        {
14          "node": {
15            "id": "1488205",
16            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-1643",
17            "type": "HD",
18            "status": "BOOKED"
19          }
20        },
21        {
22          "node": {
23            "id": "1488203",
24            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-5037",
25            "type": "HD",
26            "status": "COMPLETE"
27          }
28        },
29        {
30          "node": {
31            "id": "1488202",
32            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-3051",
33            "type": "HD",
34            "status": "BOOKED"
35          }
36        },
37        {
38          "node": {
39            "id": "1488200",
40            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-6260",
41            "type": "HD",
42            "status": "COMPLETE"
43          }
44        },
45        {
46          "node": {
47            "id": "1488198",
48            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-6099",
49            "type": "HD",
50            "status": "COMPLETE"
51          }
52        },
53        {
54          "node": {
55            "id": "1488196",
56            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-7798",
57            "type": "HD",
58            "status": "COMPLETE"
59          }
60        },
61        {
62          "node": {
63            "id": "1488194",
64            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-9643",
65            "type": "HD",
66            "status": "COMPLETE"
67          }
68        },
69        {
70          "node": {
71            "id": "1488192",
72            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-9181",
73            "type": "HD",
74            "status": "COMPLETE"
75          }
76        },
77        {
78          "node": {
79            "id": "1488190",
80            "ref": "HD-ORDER-REF-8637",
81            "type": "HD",
82            "status": "COMPLETE"
83          }
84        }
85      ]
86    }
87  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: List Orders of type "HD" - Example Response


[Warning: empty required content area]
Additional Information

To pass schema complexity validation, all GraphQL API operation queries must meet the following standards:

  • Search queries should be supplied with a first or last argument. The query will only return the first 10 records if these arguments are not provided.
  • Values of first and last must be within 1 - 5,000. If the value exceeds 5000, it is replaced by 5000.
  • Queries must have a complexity value of under 11,111, as those that exceed it will not be executed.


GraphQL operations used to create or update data are called Mutations. The Fluent GraphQL API provides three types of mutations: Create, Update, and Remove.

Mutations return an object type. The user can specify which fields they want to be returned.

1mutation {
2  createRole (input: {
3    name: "ROLE_MANAGER"
4    permissions: [
5      { name: "ROLE_VIEW" },
6      { name: "PERMISSION_VIEW" },
7      { name: "ROLE_CREATE" },
8      { name: "ROLEPERMISSION_UPDATE" }
9    ]
10  }) {
11    id
12    name
13    permissions {name}
14  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Create a ROLE_MANAGER Role with some Permissions (assumes that the Permissions already exist) - Example Request This assumes that the Permissions already exists in the platform


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "createRole": {
4      "id": "1000030",
5      "name": "ROLE_MANAGER",
6      "permissions": [
7        {
8          "name": "ROLE_VIEW"
9        },
10        {
11          "name": "PERMISSION_VIEW"
12        },
13        {
14          "name": "ROLE_CREATE"
15        },
16        {
17          "name": "ROLEPERMISSION_UPDATE"
18        },
19        {
20          "name": "PERMISSIONROLE_REMOVE"
21        }
22      ]
23    }
24  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Create a ROLE_MANAGER Role with some Permissions (assumes that the Permissions already exist) - Example Response
 This assumes that the Permissions already exists in the platform


[Warning: empty required content area]
1mutation {
2  updateRole(input: {name: "ROLE_MANAGER", permissions: {name: "ROLE_UPDATE"}}) {
3    name
4    permissions {
5      name
6    }
7  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Update the ROLE_MANAGER Role to have ROLE_UPDATE Permission - Example Request This assumes that the ROLE_UPDATE Permission already exists in the platform


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "updateRole": {
4      "name": "ROLE_MANAGER",
5      "permissions": [
6        {
7          "name": "ROLE_VIEW"
8        },
9        {
10          "name": "PERMISSION_VIEW"
11        },
12        {
13          "name": "ROLE_CREATE"
14        },
15        {
16          "name": "ROLE_UPDATE"
17        },
18        {
19          "name": "ROLEPERMISSION_UPDATE"
20        },
21        {
22          "name": "PERMISSIONROLE_REMOVE"
23        }
24      ]
25    }
26  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Update the ROLE_MANAGER Role to have ROLE_UPDATE Permission - Example Response This assumes that the ROLE_UPDATE Permission already exists in the platform


[Warning: empty required content area]
1mutation {
2  removePermissionsFromRole(input: {role: {name: "ROLE_MANAGER"}, permissions: {name: "ROLE_UPDATE"}}) {
3    status
4  }
9// Query to check the role now
10query {
11  role (name: "ROLE_MANAGER") {
12    name
13    permissions {
14      name
15    }
16  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Remove ROLE_UPDATE permission from the ROLE_MANAGER role - Example Request


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "removePermissionsFromRole": {
4      "status": "SUCCESS"
5    }
6  }
11  "data": {
12    "role": {
13      "name": "ROLE_MANAGER",
14      "permissions": [
15        {
16          "name": "ROLE_VIEW"
17        },
18        {
19          "name": "PERMISSION_VIEW"
20        },
21        {
22          "name": "ROLE_CREATE"
23        },
24        {
25          "name": "ROLEPERMISSION_UPDATE"
26        },
27        {
28          "name": "PERMISSIONROLE_REMOVE"
29        }
30      ]
31    }
32  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: Remove ROLE_UPDATE permission from the ROLE_MANAGER role - Example Response


[Warning: empty required content area]

Custom Queries

Custom queries are special queries available through the Fluent GraphQL API. With custom queries, the server processes the input and applies some logic to it before returning the output. This logic can be either queries or mutations.

Although it is preferred to keep the Fluent GraphQL servers simple and let Orchestration handle any complex logic, there are times when custom queries are necessary to improve performance and reduce overall complexity.

The Fluent GraphQL API now supports two custom queries- SearchVirtualInventory and ArticlesByLocation.

Example - SearchVirtualInventory

This query returns up to 10 of the nearest locations that can entirely fulfill a set of items based on available-to-sell stock in a given Virtual Catalog. Targeted use cases include fulfilling an order with no splits (as locations that require a split will not be returned) or showing a list of stocked pickup options to a customer in a product page or checkout scenario.

1query {
2    searchVirtualInventory(
3        virtualCatalogue: { ref: "VCREF" }, 
4        productQuantities: [{ productRef: "myProductRef" quantity: 0 }]
5    ) {
6        edges {
7            node {
8                virtualPositions {
9                    id
10                    ref
11                    productRef
12                    quantity
13                    createdOn
14                }
15                location {
16                    ref
17                    name
18                    type
19                    id
20                    defaultCarrier
21                }
22            }
23        }
24    }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: SearchVirtualInventory - Example Request


[Warning: empty required content area]
2  "data": {
3    "searchVirtualInventory": {
4      "edges": [
5        {
6          "node": {
7            "virtualPositions": [
8              {
9                "id": "efe808e3-5eb5-45ab-b495-9f8a27ddd10a",
10                "ref": "VPREF",
11                "productRef": "myProductRef",
12                "quantity": 40,
13                "createdOn": "2019-10-04T03:28:18.380Z"
14              }
15            ],
16            "location": {
17              "ref": "DEMO_LOC",
18              "name": "fooName",
19              "type": "STORE",
20              "id": "13",
21              "defaultCarrier": "SHIPPIT"
22            }
23          }
24        }
25      ]
26    }
27  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: SearchVirtualInventory - Example Response


[Warning: empty required content area]
Example - ArticlesByLocation

This query returns the articles currently en route to or awaiting collection from a given location or set of locations. Either 'fromLocation' or 'toLocation' should be provided.

2    articlesByLocation(fromLocation:{ref:"5000299_SYD"}, first:2, consignmentStatus:"ACTIVE_LODGED", retailerId:5000299 ){
3        edges{
4            node{
5                name
6                description
7                ref
8                quantity
9                consignmentArticles{
10                    edges{
11                        node{
12                            consignment{
13                                status
14                            }
15                        }
16                    }
17                }
19                name
20                carrierConsignmentArticles{
21                    edges{ 
22                        node{
23                            carrierConsignment{
24                                carrier{
25                                    name
26                                    ref
27                                }
28                                carrierConsignmentArticles{
29                                    edges{
30                                        node{
31                                            article{
32                                                id
33                                                ref
34                                            }
35                                            carrierConsignment{
36                                                status
37                                                labelUrl
38                                                ref
39                                                id
40                                            }
41                                        }
42                                    }
43                                }
44                            }
45                        }
46                    }
47                }
48                fulfilments{
49                    edges{
50                        node{
51                            order{
52                                ref
53                            }
54                        }
55                    }
56                }
57                ref
58                status
59                createdOn
60            }
61        }
62    }

Language: plain_text

Name: ArticlesByLocation - Example Request


[Warning: empty required content area]
2    "data": {
3        "articlesByLocation": {
4            "edges": [
5                {
6                    "node": {
7                        "name": "Custom",
8                        "description": "2024SHOE001_A,2024SHOE001_B",
9                        "ref": "df47c27f-8a66-4b05-bf33-542c7391441a-5000299_SYD-1",
10                        "quantity": 12,
11                        "consignmentArticles": {
12                            "edges": [
13                                {
14                                    "node": {
15                                        "consignment": {
16                                            "status": "ACTIVE_LODGED"
17                                        }
18                                    }
19                                }
20                            ]
21                        },
22                        "carrierConsignmentArticles": {
23                            "edges": [
24                                {
25                                    "node": {
26                                        "carrierConsignment": {
27                                            "carrier": {
28                                                "name": "Demo Carrier for Retailer 5000299",
29                                                "ref": "DEFAULT_CARRIER:5000299"
30                                            },
31                                            "carrierConsignmentArticles": {
32                                                "edges": [
33                                                    {
34                                                        "node": {
35                                                            "article": {
36                                                                "id": "5002370",
37                                                                "ref": "df47c27f-8a66-4b05-bf33-542c7391441a-5000299_SYD-1"
38                                                            },
39                                                            "carrierConsignment": {
40                                                                "status": "ACTIVE_LODGED",
41                                                                "labelUrl": "DEMO_UK_RoyalMail_Label.pdf",
42                                                                "ref": "96ed826d-bc4a-4e29-af37-dc5ed224011c",
43                                                                "id": "5000869"
44                                                            }
45                                                        }
46                                                    }
47                                                ]
48                                            }
49                                        }
50                                    }
51                                }
52                            ]
53                        },
54                        "fulfilments": {
55                            "edges": [
56                                {
57                                    "node": {
58                                        "order": {
59                                            "ref": "CC_414376"
60                                        }
61                                    }
62                                }
63                            ]
64                        },
65                        "status": "PENDING_CONSIGNMENT",
66                        "createdOn": "2024-04-11T23:15:12.926Z"
67                    }
68                },
69                {
70                    "node": {
71                        "name": "small",
72                        "description": "2024SHOE001_A,2024SHOE001_B",
73                        "ref": "3156946f-0d02-4869-9077-416822ea0631-5000299_SYD-1",
74                        "quantity": 12,
75                        "consignmentArticles": {
76                            "edges": [
77                                {
78                                    "node": {
79                                        "consignment": {
80                                            "status": "ACTIVE_LODGED"
81                                        }
82                                    }
83                                }
84                            ]
85                        },
86                        "carrierConsignmentArticles": {
87                            "edges": [
88                                {
89                                    "node": {
90                                        "carrierConsignment": {
91                                            "carrier": {
92                                                "name": "Demo Carrier for Retailer 5000299",
93                                                "ref": "DEFAULT_CARRIER:5000299"
94                                            },
95                                            "carrierConsignmentArticles": {
96                                                "edges": [
97                                                    {
98                                                        "node": {
99                                                            "article": {
100                                                                "id": "5002372",
101                                                                "ref": "3156946f-0d02-4869-9077-416822ea0631-5000299_SYD-1"
102                                                            },
103                                                            "carrierConsignment": {
104                                                                "status": "ACTIVE_LODGED",
105                                                                "labelUrl": "DEMO_UK_RoyalMail_Label.pdf",
106                                                                "ref": "dd139c1c-9e15-4368-b565-f71566e53a94",
107                                                                "id": "5000870"
108                                                            }
109                                                        }
110                                                    }
111                                                ]
112                                            }
113                                        }
114                                    }
115                                }
116                            ]
117                        },
118                        "fulfilments": {
119                            "edges": [
120                                {
121                                    "node": {
122                                        "order": {
123                                            "ref": "CC_681908"
124                                        }
125                                    }
126                                }
127                            ]
128                        },
129                        "status": "COLLECTED",
130                        "createdOn": "2024-04-12T00:36:03.484Z"
131                    }
132                }
133            ]
134        }
135    }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: ArticlesByLocation - Example Response


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce