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Product Availability Enrichment

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

20 Feb 2024

Key Points

  • You would first need to have access to a Fluent account, and have
     container running.
  • There are two possible cache configurations: In-memory cache or External cache.


Step arrow right iconOverview

In this sample project, we will go through some basic features of the Connect SDK by creating a fulfillment options API that can enrich the response from Fluent Platform.

These are the topics covered by this guide:

  • Creating a transformation step
  • Define cache configuration to improve the performance of product availability calls
  • In-memory cache
  • External cache
  • Cacheable sample

Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

  • localstack container is running
  • You have access to a Fluent account

There is a script 

 bundled with the project that can be used to set up localstack. The script requires some parameters to be configured before it can be executed.

It is best to do the following:
First, run this command to open a session with the localstack container

1docker exec -it localstack /bin/bash

Language: java

Name: Command


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Then use the commands below to create the secrets, but ensure to update the variables: $ACCOUNT, $RETAILER, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD and $REGION. Regions values are: sydney, dublin, singapore or north_america.

1docker exec -d localstack awslocal secretsmanager create-secret --name fc/connect/product-availability-enrichment/api/fluent/activeAccounts --secret-string "{\"accounts\":[{\"name\":\"$ACCOUNT\", \"region\":\"$REGION\", \"retailers\":[$RETAILER]}]}" ;
2docker exec -d localstack awslocal secretsmanager create-secret --name fc/connect/product-availability-enrichment/$ACCOUNT/api/fluent-account/$RETAILER --secret-string "{\"retailer\":\"1\", \"userName\":\"$USERNAME\", \"password\":\"$PASSWORD\"}";
3docker exec -d localstack awslocal secretsmanager create-secret --name fc/connect/product-availability-enrichment/$ACCOUNT/api/fluent-account/api-keys --secret-string "{\"api-keys\": [{\"retailer\": \"$RETAILER\",\"username\": \"$USERNAME\",\"password\": \"$PASSWORD\",\"keys\": [{\"key\":\"$API_KEY\",\"expiry\":\"$EXPIRY\"}]}]}";

Language: java

Name: Commands


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Use ctrl + D to exit the localstack session.

Step arrow right iconDefine transformation step

By using the anotation 

, partners can define multiple transformation step to enrich the fulfilment-option’s response & decide the priority of these steps: 

No alt provided
3@FulfilmentOptionTransformationStep(id = "<transformation-name>", priority = 1)
4public class PickupLocationTransformation implements FulfilmentOptionTransformationChain<FulfilmentRequest, FulfilmentResponse> {
6    @Override
7    public FulfilmentResponse transform(final FulfilmentRequest request, final FulfilmentResponse response, final FluentContext context) {
8        //@todo: implement logic here
9    }

Language: java

Name: Example


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Step arrow right iconDefine cache configuration to improve the performance of product availability calls

In-memory cache

The Connect-sdk employs Caffeine-cache as its default cache provider. In addition to the default cache keys of connect-sdk, partners can define their own cache keys with custom configuration. This can be achieved by specifying:

  • `name`
    : cache-names
  • `expiry-in-seconds`
    : time-to-live of cache key
  • `max-size`
    : capacity of the cache
1  cache:
2    caffeine:
3      - name: location
4        expiry-in-seconds: 300
5        max-size: 10000

Language: java

Name: Custom configuration


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External cache

If partners want to integrate with the other kinds of Cache Providers please refer to Spring-cache solution: IO

For example, to define a new Cache Manager using Redis Cache:

1public class RedisCacheConfiguration {
3    public static final String CUSTOM_CACHE_MANAGER = "custom-cache-manager";
4    public static final String LOCATION_CACHE = "location";
6    @Value("${fluent-connect.fulfilment-option.location-cache-ttl-seconds:300}")
7    private Duration LOCATION_TTL_SECONDS = 300;
9    @Bean
10    @Primary
11    public CacheManager cacheManager(RedisTemplate<String, Object> template) {
12        RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager =
13                RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder
14                        .fromConnectionFactory(template.getConnectionFactory())
15                        .cacheDefaults(getCacheConfigurationWithTtl(template, duration))
16                        .withCacheConfiguration(LOCATION_CACHE, getCacheConfigurationWithTtl(template, LOCATION_TTL_SECONDS))
17//                        .withCacheConfiguration("other-cache", getCacheConfigurationWithTtl(template, secondDuration))
18                        .transactionAware()
19                        .build();
20        return redisCacheManager;
21    }
23    private RedisCacheConfiguration getCacheConfigurationWithTtl(
24            RedisTemplate<String, Object> template, Duration duration) {
26        return RedisCacheConfiguration
27                .defaultCacheConfig()
28                .serializeKeysWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(
29                        template.getStringSerializer()))
30                .serializeValuesWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(
31                        template.getValueSerializer()))
32                .disableCachingNullValues()
33                .entryTtl(duration);
34    }

Language: java

Name: Example


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Cacheable sample:

1public class LocationService {
3    @Cacheable(cacheManager = SDK_CACHE_MANAGER, cacheNames = LOCATION_CACHE, key = "#ref")
4    //@Cacheable(cacheManager = CUSTOM_CACHE_MANAGER, cacheNames = LOCATION_CACHE, key = "#ref")
5    public Optional<GetLocationQuery.Location> getLocation(@NotNull final FluentContext context, @NotNull final String ref) {
6        final GetLocationQuery query = GetLocationQuery.builder().ref(ref).build();
7        final GetLocationQuery.Data locationData = context.executeQuery(query, GetLocationQuery.Data.class);
8        if (locationData != null) {
9            return Optional.ofNullable(locationData.location());
10        }
11        return Optional.empty();
12    }

Language: java

Name: Example


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Step arrow right iconGet Fulfilment Option

Beside default fulfilment-options’s response, there are 2 extra attributes: pickupLocationAddress & pickupLocationOpeningTime

No alt provided
1curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/fluent-connect/fulfilment-option' \
2--header 'Authorization: ApiKey 1234567890123456' \
3--header 'fluent.account: CNCTDEV' \
4--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
5--header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=B1AD8588367D0E2BD9E63340119E2B46' \
6--data-raw '{
7    "ref": "9c546d29-89a8-48b4-8d6b-fd7b0e2a2497",
8    "retailerId": "67",
9    "type": "CC",
10    "orderType": "CC",
11    "address": {
12        "longitude": 144.969574,
13        "latitude": -37.812104
14    },
15    "products": [
16        {
17            "requestedQuantity": 1,
18            "productRef": "P041122174751_1",
19            "catalogueRef": "PC:MASTER:67"
20        }
21    ]

Language: java

Name: Example:


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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce