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Displaying order attributes byName in Fluent Store in PACK screen

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 July 2024

Key Points

  • step by step to teach you how to add order attribute values into the PACK screen in STORE APP
  • the byName function will allow OMS to display the specific attribute value on the UI.


Step arrow right iconCreate an order with an attribute

For example, the attribute name is WRAP_ME:

1mutation CreateOrder ($retailerId:ID!,
3$customerId:ID!) {
4  createOrder(input: {
5    ref: "HD_{{$randomInt}}{{$randomInt}}{{$randomInt}}"
6    retailer: { id:$retailerId }
7    type: "HD" 
8    customer: { id:$customerId }
9    totalPrice: 100.00 
10    totalTaxPrice: 10.00 
11    items: [
12      {
13        ref: "HEADPHONE001"
14        productRef: "HEADPHONE001"
15        productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
16        price: 100.00
17        paidPrice: 100.00 
18        totalPrice: 100.00
19        taxPrice: 10.00,
20        totalTaxPrice: 10.00,
21        quantity: 50
22        currency: "AUD"
23      },
24        {
25            ref: "PHONE105"
26            productRef: "PHONE105"
27            productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
28            price: 30.00
29            paidPrice:30.00
30            totalPrice:30.00
31            taxPrice:3.00
32            totalTaxPrice: 3.00
33            quantity:30
34            currency:"AUD"
35        },
36        {
37            ref: "PHONE106"
38            productRef: "PHONE106"
39            productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
40            price: 39.99
41            paidPrice:30.00
42            totalPrice:30.00
43            taxPrice:3.00
44            totalTaxPrice: 3.00
45            quantity:10
46            currency:"AUD"
47        }
48    ], 
49    fulfilmentChoice: {
50      currency: "AUD" 
51      deliveryType: "STANDARD"
52      fulfilmentPrice: 5 
53      fulfilmentTaxPrice: 0.99
54      deliveryAddress: {
55        ref: "Joe_Bob" 
56        name: "Joe Bob" 
57        companyName: "" 
58        street: "48 George St"
59        city: "LIVERPOOL" 
60        region: ""
61        postcode: "2170"
62        state: "NSW"
63        country: "Australia"
64        latitude: -33.9195927,
65        longitude: 150.9251352
66      }
67    },
68    attributes: [
69        {
70            name:"WRAP_ME"
71            type:"STRING"
72            value:"Hello please Wrap me and say Hello"
73        },
74        {
75            name:"ATTR2"
76            type:"STRING"
77            value:"Testing hello world attr2"
78        }
79    ]
80  }) {
81    id
82  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: createOrder with Attribute payload


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Step arrow right iconUpdate WAVE fragment manifest

In the Wave manifest, add order attributes (

`attributes{ name value }`
)  into the query:

1"query": "query ($id: ID!) { waveById(id: $id) { id ref status location { id ref } fulfilments { edges { node { id ref status toAddress { id ref } items { edges { node { ref } } } order { id ref type status attributes{ name value } fulfilmentChoice{ deliveryType } customer { firstName lastName primaryEmail primaryPhone } } articles { edges { node { ref consignmentArticles { edges { node { consignment { id ref carrier { name } trackingLabel status updatedOn } } } } } } } } } } } } ",

Language: plain_text

Name: wave query


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Then add the following lines into PACK Level to get the attribute value:

3  "label": "attr",
4  "value": "{{node.order.attributes.byName.WRAP_ME}} "

Language: plain_text

Name: pack level


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Step arrow right iconTest the changes

refresh the store pack page and the Order level WRAP_ME attributes will now show:

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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce