Displaying order attributes byName in Fluent Store in PACK screen
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
8 July 2024
Key Points
- step by step to teach you how to add order attribute values into the PACK screen in STORE APP
- the byName function will allow OMS to display the specific attribute value on the UI.
Create an order with an attribute
For example, the attribute name is WRAP_ME:
1mutation CreateOrder ($retailerId:ID!,
3$customerId:ID!) {
4 createOrder(input: {
5 ref: "HD_{{$randomInt}}{{$randomInt}}{{$randomInt}}"
6 retailer: { id:$retailerId }
7 type: "HD"
8 customer: { id:$customerId }
9 totalPrice: 100.00
10 totalTaxPrice: 10.00
11 items: [
12 {
13 ref: "HEADPHONE001"
14 productRef: "HEADPHONE001"
15 productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
16 price: 100.00
17 paidPrice: 100.00
18 totalPrice: 100.00
19 taxPrice: 10.00,
20 totalTaxPrice: 10.00,
21 quantity: 50
22 currency: "AUD"
23 },
24 {
25 ref: "PHONE105"
26 productRef: "PHONE105"
27 productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
28 price: 30.00
29 paidPrice:30.00
30 totalPrice:30.00
31 taxPrice:3.00
32 totalTaxPrice: 3.00
33 quantity:30
34 currency:"AUD"
35 },
36 {
37 ref: "PHONE106"
38 productRef: "PHONE106"
39 productCatalogueRef:$productCatalogueRef
40 price: 39.99
41 paidPrice:30.00
42 totalPrice:30.00
43 taxPrice:3.00
44 totalTaxPrice: 3.00
45 quantity:10
46 currency:"AUD"
47 }
48 ],
49 fulfilmentChoice: {
50 currency: "AUD"
51 deliveryType: "STANDARD"
52 fulfilmentPrice: 5
53 fulfilmentTaxPrice: 0.99
54 deliveryAddress: {
55 ref: "Joe_Bob"
56 name: "Joe Bob"
57 companyName: ""
58 street: "48 George St"
59 city: "LIVERPOOL"
60 region: ""
61 postcode: "2170"
62 state: "NSW"
63 country: "Australia"
64 latitude: -33.9195927,
65 longitude: 150.9251352
66 }
67 },
68 attributes: [
69 {
70 name:"WRAP_ME"
71 type:"STRING"
72 value:"Hello please Wrap me and say Hello"
73 },
74 {
75 name:"ATTR2"
76 type:"STRING"
77 value:"Testing hello world attr2"
78 }
79 ]
80 }) {
81 id
82 }
Language: graphqlschema
Name: createOrder with Attribute payload
[Warning: empty required content area]
Update WAVE fragment manifest
In the Wave manifest, add order attributes (
`attributes{ name value }`
1"query": "query ($id: ID!) { waveById(id: $id) { id ref status location { id ref } fulfilments { edges { node { id ref status toAddress { id ref } items { edges { node { ref } } } order { id ref type status attributes{ name value } fulfilmentChoice{ deliveryType } customer { firstName lastName primaryEmail primaryPhone } } articles { edges { node { ref consignmentArticles { edges { node { consignment { id ref carrier { name } trackingLabel status updatedOn } } } } } } } } } } } } ",
Language: plain_text
Name: wave query
[Warning: empty required content area]Then add the following lines into PACK Level to get the attribute value:
3 "label": "attr",
4 "value": "{{node.order.attributes.byName.WRAP_ME}} "
Language: plain_text
Name: pack level
[Warning: empty required content area]
Test the changes
refresh the store pack page and the Order level WRAP_ME attributes will now show: