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Enable location switcher in Fluent Store

How-to Guide


Randy Chan

Changed on:

29 Apr 2024

Key Points

  • Location context switcher allows you to switch the location without having to log off and back in with the specific credentials. This is feasible as long as the user permissions are configured accordingly. 
  • The context switcher requires a few manifest modifications, which are detailed in the article below. 


Step-by-step guide

Step arrow right iconEnable switcher in fc.mystique.manifest.store manifest

Extend the 

 manifest with the context section:

No alt provided
2    "manifestVersion": "2.0",
3    "name": "store",
4    "icon": "MdShoppingCart",
5    "title": "Fluent STORE",
6    "orchestrationAlias": "servicepoint",
7    "homePath": "waves",
8    "plugins": [
9        {
10            "type": "url",
11            "src": "/_plugins/store"
12        }
13        ],
14    "context": {
15        "level": "location",
16        "role": [
17            "STORE",
18            "STORE_ASSISTANT"
19        ],
20        "switcher": true
21    },
22    "routes": [
23        {
24            "type": "reference",
25            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.waves"
26        },
27        {
28            "type": "reference",
29            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.orders.awaitingpick"
30        },
31        {
32            "type": "reference",
33            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.waves.inprogress"
34        },
35        {
36            "type": "reference",
37            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.waves.complete"
38        },
39        {
40            "type": "reference",
41            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.arrivals"
42        },
43        {
44            "type": "reference",
45            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.customer.collections"
46        },
48        {
49            "type": "reference",
50            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.fragment.collection_fulfilments"
51        },
52        {
53            "type": "reference",
54            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.carrier.collections"
55        }
56    ]

Language: json

Name: Code snippet of fc.mystique.manifest.store manifest


Code snippet of fc.mystique.manifest.store manifest  

Step arrow right iconAdd location context to the user role.

The new roles can be easily added to the user using the updateUser mutation.

1POST: {{fluentApiHost}}/graphql
4mutation updateUser ($input: UpdateUserInput) {
5    updateUser (input: $input) {
6        id
7        ref
8        username
9        title
10        firstName
11        lastName
12        primaryEmail
13        primaryPhone
14        type
15        status
16        department
17        country
18        timezone
19        promotionOptIn
20        createdOn
21        updatedOn
22        roles{
23            contexts{
24                contextId
25                contextType
26            }
27            role{
28                name
29            }
30        }
31    }
37  "input": {
38    "id": 5003285,
39    "roles": [
40    {
41        "contexts": [
42            {
43                "contextId": "5000300",
44                "contextType": "RETAILER"
45            }
46        ],
47        "role": {
48            "name": "STORE"
49        }
50    }
51    ]
52  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: mutation updateUser


mutation updateUser

Step arrow right iconResult

The context Switcher is visible to the user:

No alt provided

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