Appease Customer
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
13 Dec 2023
Key Points
- Custom Service Personnel have an ability to appease a customer in certain situations by providing a refund for an existing customer order.
- This functionality is available via OMS for orders of all types in all statuses.
Step 1. To appease a customer, it is necessary to click on Appeasement button on the Order Details page.

Step 2. Clicking on the button opens Appeasement drawer
This allows to enter Appeasement Amount and Comment and select Appeasement reason from a dropdown (if there are more than 3 appeasement reasons are set in the setting) or from a radio button group (if appeasement reason setting contains from 1 to 3 reasons).

Step 3. Clicking on the Close icon closes the drawer without saving any changes.
No change is saved.
Step 4. Upon clicking on Submit button
Appeasement drawer closes
- a notification message appears (success message or error if there is an issue in the workflow or events are not processing);

- a new credit memo is added to the customer’s Billing Account.