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Configure UI to display IPU and IPC reports

How-to Guide


Yulia Andreyanova

Changed on:

18 June 2024

Key Points

  • The Fluent Big Inventory Web app is pre-configured with certain standard functions. 
  • The IPU and IPC reports functionality is not a part of the default configuration. 
  • This guide will enable users to configure the web app to display the IPU/IPC reports.


Step arrow right iconApply IPU/IPC functionality to baseline configuration

Create (or update if it exists) the manifest setting to apply the IPU/IPC functionality to the existing baseline configuration.

Step arrow right iconFind fc.mystique.manifest.inventory Setting

Go to Admin → Settings and search for


Step arrow right iconUpdate the setting (if exists)

In case the setting exists:
In edit mode, replace

`fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.admin.ipuipc `

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconCreate the setting (if doesn't exist)

In case the setting doesn’t exist:

Create the ACCOUNT setting

with the following JSON value:

2    "manifestVersion": "2.0",
3    "name": "Fluent Big Inventory module",
4    "title": "Fluent Big Inventory",
5    "homePath": "sourcesDashboard",
6    "orchestrationAlias": "adminconsole",
7    "plugins": [
8        {
9            "src": "/_plugins/oms",
10            "type": "url"
11        },
12        {
13            "src": "/_plugins/inventory",
14            "type": "url"
15        },
16        {
17            "src": "/_plugins/charts",
18            "type": "url"
19        }
20    ],
21    "routes": [
22        {
23            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.sources",
24            "type": "reference"
25        },
26        {
27            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.feeds",
28            "type": "reference"
29        },
30        {
31            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.products",
32            "type": "reference"
33        },
34        {
35            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.globalinventory",
36            "type": "reference"
37        },
38        {
39            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.stores",
40            "type": "reference"
41        },
42        {
43            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.insights",
44            "type": "reference"
45        },
46        {
47            "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.inventory.fragment.admin.ipuipc",
48            "type": "reference"
49        }
50    ]

Language: plain_text

Name: fc.mystique.manifest.inventory setting value


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconAdd the permission

Define the users who should see the data on the Reports page and add the 

 permission to them.

Step arrow right iconCheck the result

Go to the Admin module, and the Reports page should now be visible.

No alt provided

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