Products Overview
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
26 Sept 2023
Product is a collection of products and any attributes and details associated with each product in the category. The products module contains the following menu items:
- Categories
- Product Catalogs
More information on Product Catalogs.
Categories – Retailer List
Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
26 Sept 2023
The Categories – Retailer List page displays the list of retailers available to users.
Key points
- Categories page displays information in Ref, Name and Description.
- Product Catalogue Categories details page provides details about the categories of a particular product.
- Category details page displays detailed information of the Category.

The Categories – Retailer List displays information in the following columns:
- ID: Retailer ID.
- Trading Name: Retailer Name.
Categories page
The Categories page displays the list of all available categories.

Categories page displays information in the following columns:
- (Product Catalogue) Ref: Reference of a particular catalogue.
- Name: Name of a particular catalogue.
- Description: Description of a particular catalogue.
Product Catalogue Categories details page
The Product Catalogue Categories details page provides detailed information about the categories of a particular product catalogue.

The detail view consists of the following tabs:
- Details
- Attributes
- Back to Categories : navigating back to the Categories page.
Details Tab
The details tab provides a detailed overview of the selected category and is made up of:
- Summary card
- Categories table

The summary card contains the following information:
- Catalogue Ref: Unique reference of a particular product catalogue.
- Status: Status of a particular catalogue.
- Name: Name of a particular catalogue.
- Description: Description of a particular catalogue.

To search for and view category details the Mystique SDK filter component should be used. The Filter component should perform the search based on the following filtering criteria:
- Category Ref
- (Category) Name
- Created On
- Updated On
Categories table displays information in the following columns:
- Category Ref: The unique reference of a particular category.
- Name: The name of the category.
- Summary: The short description of the category.
- Type: The type of category.
- Status: The status of category.
`Category Ref`
Attributes tab
Attributes tab displays all attributes associated with the selected product catalogue categories. The attributes tab consists of table Attributes with the following fields:
- Name: Displays the name of the attribute associated with the product catalogue categories.
- Type: Displays the type of attribute associated with the product catalogue categories.
- Value: Displays the value of the attribute.
Category details page

Category details page displays detailed information of the category.
- Back to Product Catalogue: navigating back to the Product Catalogue Categories Details page.
Summary card

The summary card contains the following information:
- Ref: The unique reference of a particular category.
- Status: The status of a particular category.
- Name: The name of a particular category.
- Summary: The short description of a particular category.
- Type: The type of a particular category.
Parent Category card

Parent Category card contains the following information:
- Ref: The unique reference of the parent category (if exists).
- Status: The status of the parent category (if exists).
- Name: The name of the parent category (if exists).
- Summary: The short description of the parent category (if exists).
- Type: The type of the parent category (if exists).
(Parent Category)
Child Categories table

Child Categories table displays information in the following columns:
- Category Ref: The unique reference of the child category (if exists).
- Status: The status of the child category (if exists).
- Summary: The short description of the parent category (if exists).
- Name: The name of the parent category (if exists).
`Category Ref`
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