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Products Overview



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

26 Sept 2023


Product is a collection of products and any attributes and details associated with each product in the category. The products module contains the following menu items:

  • Categories
  • Product Catalogs

More information on Product Catalogs.

Categories – Retailer List


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

26 Sept 2023


The Categories – Retailer List page displays the list of retailers available to users.

Key points

  • Categories page displays information in Ref, Name and Description. 
  • Product Catalogue Categories details page provides details about the categories of a particular product.
  • Category details page displays detailed information of the Category. 


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The Categories – Retailer List displays information in the following columns:

  • ID: Retailer ID.
  • Trading Name: Retailer Name.

 is a link to go to the Categories page. Clicking 
 opens the Categories page.

Categories page

The Categories page displays the list of all available categories.


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Categories page displays information in the following columns:

  • (Product Catalogue) Ref: Reference of a particular catalogue.
  • Name: Name of a particular catalogue.
  • Description: Description of a particular catalogue.

 is a link to go to the Product Catalogue Categories details page. Clicking 
 opens the Product Catalogue Categories details page.

Product Catalogue Categories details page

The Product Catalogue Categories details page provides detailed information about the categories of a particular product catalogue.


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The detail view consists of the following tabs:

  • Details
  • Attributes


  • Back to Categories : 
     navigating back to the Categories page.

Details Tab

The details tab provides a detailed overview of the selected category and is made up of:

  • Summary card
  • Categories table
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The summary card contains the following information:

  • Catalogue Ref: Unique reference of a particular product catalogue.
  • Status: Status of a particular catalogue.
  • Name: Name of a particular catalogue.
  • Description: Description of a particular catalogue.
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To search for and view category details the Mystique SDK filter component should be used. The Filter component should perform the search based on the following filtering criteria:

  • Category Ref
  • (Category) Name
  • Created On
  • Updated On

Categories table displays information in the following columns:

  • Category Ref: The unique reference of a particular category.
  • Name: The name of the category.
  • Summary: The short description of the category.
  • Type: The type of category.
  • Status: The status of category.

`Category Ref`
is a link to go to the details page of a particular category.

Attributes tab

Attributes tab displays all attributes associated with the selected product catalogue categories. The attributes tab consists of table Attributes with the following fields:

  • Name: Displays the name of the attribute associated with the product catalogue categories.
  • Type: Displays the type of attribute associated with the product catalogue categories.
  • Value: Displays the value of the attribute.

Category details page

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Category details page displays detailed information of the category.



  • Back to Product Catalogue
     navigating back to the Product Catalogue Categories Details page.

Summary card

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The summary card contains the following information:

  • Ref: The unique reference of a particular category.
  • Status: The status of a particular category.
  • Name: The name of a particular category.
  • Summary: The short description of a particular category.
  • Type: The type of a particular category.

Parent Category card

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Parent Category card contains the following information:

  • Ref: The unique reference of the parent category (if exists).
  • Status: The status of the parent category (if exists).
  • Name: The name of the parent category (if exists).
  • Summary: The short description of the parent category (if exists).
  • Type: The type of the parent category (if exists).

(Parent Category) 

 is a link to go to the details page of a parent category.

Child Categories table

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Child Categories table displays information in the following columns:

  • Category Ref: The unique reference of the child category (if exists).
  • Status: The status of the child category (if exists).
  • Summary: The short description of the parent category (if exists).
  • Name: The name of the parent category (if exists).


`Category Ref`
 is a link to go to the category details page.

Learn more about how to Configure OMS

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce