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Configure complex calculation in Manifest

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • This article describes how to configure complex calculation in Manifest
  • Target audience: Architect, Partner Developer, Partner BA.


Step arrow right iconGuide

The general approach for complex numbers calculation in Manifest should be based on the following steps:

  • Define the calculation formula.
  • Get the required data from GraphQL.
  • You can use templates combination to describe required formula.
  • Extend Manifest.

Step arrow right iconTemplates used in the example:



Additional information


`{{ currency 123 'AUD' }}`


`{{add 1 2}} // 3`


calculation data:

const arr = [{age: 1},{age: 2},{age: 3},]

`{{arrayFieldSum arr 'age'}} // 6`

  • works only in OMS
  • is used to calculate the sum of fields in array items with a given path (path to number in item)

Step arrow right iconReal Life Example

We want to display the Order Value card containing the following fields:

  • Items - the sum of all items' values in the order
  • Shipping - shipping fee (the sum of shipping fees of all deliveries in the order)
  • Taxes - the sum of order items' taxes
  • Total - the sum of values above (Items Subtotal + Shipping + Taxes)

Step 1. Get requested data from GraphQL query:

1query (
2  $id: ID!
3  $items_after: String
4  $items_first: Int
5  $fulfilmentChoices_first: Int
6) {
7  orderById(id: $id) {
8    id
9    items(after: $items_after, first: $items_first) {
10      edges {
11        node {
12          id
13          price
14          quantity
15          totalPrice
16          totalTaxPrice
17          taxPrice
18          currency
19        }
20      }
21    }
22    fulfilmentChoices(first: $fulfilmentChoices_first) {
23      edges {
24        node {
25          id
26          fulfilmentPrice
27          currency
28        }
29      }
30    }
31  }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: GraphQL query


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step 2. Configure Manifest as in the example below:

2    "component": "fc.card.attribute",
3    "props": {
4        "title": "Title",
5        "width": "half",
6        "dataSource": "orderById",
7        "attributes": [
8            {
9                "label": "Items",
10                "template": "{{currency (arrayFieldSum items.edges 'node.totalPrice') items.edges.0.node.currency}}"
11            },
12            {
13                "label": "Shipping",
14                "template": "{{currency (arrayFieldSum fulfilmentChoices.edges 'node.fulfilmentPrice') fulfilmentChoices.edges.0.node.currency}}"
15            },
16            {
17                "label": "Taxes",
18                "template": "{{currency (arrayFieldSum items.edges 'node.totalTaxPrice') items.edges.0.node.currency}}"
19            },
20            {
21                "label": "Total",
22                "template": "{{bold (currency (add (arrayFieldSum items.edges 'node.totalPrice') (add (arrayFieldSum fulfilmentChoices.edges 'node.fulfilmentPrice') (arrayFieldSum items.edges 'node.totalTaxPrice'))) items.edges.0.node.currency ) }}"
23            }
24        ]
25    }

Language: json

Name: Configure Manifest


[Warning: empty required content area]

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