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Log Action & Events

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • In the fluent platform, a log action allows to generate a specific log event when a rule executes. 


Step arrow right iconinclude log action in the custom rule

The following sample code can be used on your custom rule to capture the details.

`context.action().log(message, detailedMessage, attributes);`

Step arrow right iconRun the following API call

The following API can be used to extract the data:


For example:


Step arrow right iconSample response

2  "id": "c6c95950-4251-11ea-a739-cdcb79acb920",
3  "name": "CREATE_Log",
5  "accountId": "TEST",
6  "retailerId": "1",
7  "category": "CUSTOM",
8  "context": {
9    "sourceEvents": [
10      "c6678a40-4251-11ea-b9f2-5fe6d7129603"
11    ],
12    "entityType": "ORDER",
13    "entityId": "180",
14    "entityRef": "CC_255",
15    "rootEntityType": "ORDER",
16    "rootEntityId": "180",
17    "rootEntityRef": "CC_255"
18  },
19  "eventStatus": "PENDING",
20  "attributes": [
21    {
22      "name": "action",
23      "value": "Sample Action",
24      "type": "STRING"
25    },
26    {
27      "name": "action",
28      "value": "CC_255",
29      "type": "STRING"
30    },
31    {
32      "name": "message",
33      "value": "Message",
34      "type": "STRING"
35    },
36    {
37      "name": "detailedMessage",
38      "value": "DetailedMessage",
39      "type": "STRING"
40    }
41  ],
42  "source": "plugin",
43  "generatedBy": "Rubix User",
44  "generatedOn": "2020-01-29T04:42:38.194+0000"

Language: json

Name: sample result


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Fluent Commerce

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