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Authenticating (logging in) into Fluent

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

24 Apr 2024

Key Points

  • Login into Fluent Web Apps
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Session Timeout


Step arrow right iconWho is this guide for?

This guide will help the user to learn new authentication process.

Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

New user is required to change password on the first login. If Multi-Factor authentication (MFA) is enabled, then the user will need to use of MFA options to provide a passcode required.


Step arrow right iconLogin into Fluent Web Apps

Follow the below steps to log in to Fluent OMS or Fluent Store:

  • Type/input Fluent Apps URL in browser;
  • Enter username and password on login page and click Sign On button;
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Step arrow right iconMulti-Factor Authentication

In case Multi-Factor Authentication is required, OTP (One-Time Password) code should be entered before clicking Sign On button;

  • For the first time user login Change Password form will be displayed;
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  • The current password should be entered, then the new one (twice) and click Save button;
  • Minimum Password Requirements should be fulfilled;
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Step arrow right iconSession Timeout

Fluent OMX supports redirection to the page a user visits when session timeout occurs.

The system works as follows:

  • When session timeout occurs a user will be redirected to the login page;
  • When a user successfully logs in they will be redirected to the previously activated page.

In case login page remains open for a long time, the token id gets expired. So, after user enter login and password the below error will occur

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To login in the System it is necessary to enter Fluent App Url into browser address bar and login once again.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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