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SCIM Connector Credential/Secret Configuration

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

27 Oct 2023

Key Points

  • A guide on how to set up SCIM Secret Configuration


Step arrow right iconSecret Configuration Template

The template below should be used to create secrets in localstack (an AWS emulator for development) before you can start the application. Without these secrets the application will not function properly. It is possible to use this connector with as many retailers as you wish but do not use multiple accounts - this is not yet supported.

1docker exec -d localstack awslocal secretsmanager create-secret --name fc/connect/<FC-CONNECTOR>/<FLUENT-ACCOUNT>/api/fluent-account/api-keys --secret-string "{\"api-keys\": [{\"retailer\": \"<RETAILER-ID>\",\"username\": \"<USERNAME>\",\"password\": \"<PASSWORD>\",\"keys\": [{\"key\":\"<API-KEY-1>\",\"expiry\":\"<EXPIRY-TIME-1>\"}, {\"key\":\"<API-KEY-2>\",\"expiry\":\"<EXPIRY-TIME-2>\"}]}]}";

Language: java

Name: Create secret


[Warning: empty required content area]

The SDK expects ALL secrets to be prefixed with 

. The property FC-CONNECTOR value must match the connector configuration name found at 
 (example below).

1 connector-name: "scim-connector"

Language: java

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]
2    "api-keys": [
3        {
4            "retailer": "1",
5            "username": "admin",
6            "password": "password",
7            "keys": [
8                {
9                    "key": "11111111111",
10                    "expiry": "2023-12-30T20:28:07.47647529Z"
11                },
12                {
13                    "key": "22222222222",
14                    "expiry": "2020-12-30T20:28:07.47647529Z"
15                }
16            ]
17        }
18    ]

Language: json

Name: The JSON structure looks like this


[Warning: empty required content area]

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce