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Enable Chinese Language in OMS webapps

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

14 Sept 2023

Key Points

  • This document describes how to enable the Chinese language in Fluent OMS webapps.  
  • There are 2 Chinese Languages in writing:  Traditional and Simplified.  The Simplified Chinese are mainly used in Mainland China and Traditional Chinese are typically used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.


Step arrow right iconupdate Setting: i18n.languages

To enable the Chinese language in OMS, you can add the following values in the Setting: i18n.languages

1        {
2            "code": "zh-CN",
3            "label": "Chinese (Simplified)"
4        },
5        {
6            "code": "zh-TW",
7            "label": "Chinese (Traditional)"
8        }

Language: json

Name: code snippet to add Chinese language


[Warning: empty required content area]

The VALUE of the setting will look like:

2    "switcherEnabled": true,
3    "accountDefaultLanguage": "en-AU",
4    "languages": [
5        {
6            "code": "en-AU",
7            "label": "English (AU)"
8        },
9        {
10            "code": "th-TH",
11            "label": "Thai (th)"
12        },
13        {
14            "code": "ms-MY",
15            "label": "Malay (MY)"
16        },
17        {
18            "code": "ja-JP",
19            "label": "Japanese (JP)"
20        },
21        {
22            "code": "zh-CN",
23            "label": "Chinese (Simplified)"
24        },
25        {
26            "code": "zh-TW",
27            "label": "Chinese (Traditional)"
28        }
29    ]

Language: plain_text

Name: i18n.languages value:


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconTest the change

After saving the setting and refresh the browser, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional will appear in the language list on the top right-hand corner of the OMS page:

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Step arrow right iconChinese Language

Some words between Simplified and Traditional are identical.  But some Simplified words have less number of strokes compared to Traditional: 

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