The OMX UX Framework includes a ready-to-use library of UI building blocks called Components. These building blocks are available within Manifests and Reference Modules. You can build new or extend existing UI Components via the Component SDK.
The Complex Filter Component dynamically fetches and filters data based on a configurable GraphQL request. Depending on the configuration, it enables users to search for entities using tailored filters and displays results in either Standard Card or Product Card formats. This adaptability ensures precise data retrieval and a consistent, user-friendly presentation.
The Link Component is a text element with a hyperlink, designed for scenarios where a link needs to be applied. It can be used anywhere and integrates seamlessly with conditional logic when wrapped within a Conditional Component. This allows the link's display or functionality to adapt based on the conditions defined in the manifest (e.g. when the link should be active or inactive).
The Setting Form Component displays Fluent Settings as user-friendly UI elements, enabling a no-code experience for configuring Fluent web apps. By presenting settings as UI components instead of JSON, business users can directly configure Fluent, reducing their reliance on developers.
This article details the capabilities of the Settings Form Component and provides a guide on how to use this component alongside related features to create a no-code experience within an Fluent Commerce web app.
The Pack Component in Fluent Store is designed to organize the packing process by outlining each box's contents in multi-parcel shipments, setting parcel parameters, rejecting items, and providing detailed information for each item through the Pack Wizard.
An invisible component that accepts input from a USB scanner in HID mode (keyboard simulation) and performs an action on a scan. This component activates when nothing on the screen is currently selected and enables efficient scanning of parcel labels to perform various functions, like marking a customer order as collected.
Most commonly, the Barcode Scanner component is included in Fluent Store manifests centered around collections.
fc.attribute.locationId is a custom field component that allows to add / edit a Location on a drawer. The component’s key feature is the possibility to add a Location Id only in situations when it is necessary. Let’s consider the following situations, when a user is created
Retailer Id (fc.attribute.retailerId) Component is a custom field component that allows to add/edit a Retailer on a drawer.
The Events Search is a plugin component for events:
The component fetches events using the REST Event API based on the selected search criteria.
The list feed wrapper is a wrapper for the fc.list component that converts data from the Metrics API to a list-readable format.
The Configurable Drawer is a Mystique content component that displays other components in the hidden by-default section. The drawer button click event expands this hidden section on the right-hand side of the screen.
The component allows you to redefine the context for its descendants.
The Returns Field Component provides an end user experience for creating Returns through an OMX web application. Example usage of this component is provided as part of the Returns configuration guide
The tab card is used to put tabs at the top of a group of card-like components (Attributes Card, List Component, etc) and allows users to switch between them. This can help to reduce the number of clicks a user takes when navigating between pages.
The descendants of the Tab Card component are used as the content of the tabs, linked by index. The first descendant will be shown while the first tab is active. For cases where multiple descendants should be shown under a single tab, use the Page Section component (or similar) to group them.
The Print Button combines the page query with an HTML setting to generate a document that can be printed.
On click, a modal preview is presented with a print button that triggers the browser's print action. From there the document may be printed directly or saved out to PDF using a print-to-pdf tool.
This can be used to produce things like pick lists, packing slips, and order invoices.
Note that this feature is a legacy design. The new print component can be found here: New Print Component.