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Pack Field Component

UI Component

Changed on:

4 Oct 2024


The Pack Component in Fluent Store is designed to organize the packing process by outlining each box's contents in multi-parcel shipments, setting parcel parameters, rejecting items, and providing detailed information for each item through the Pack Wizard.

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Plugin NameStore

Components for managing instore processes.



Store version


'fc.action.field.fulfilmentpack', 'FULFILMENT_PACK'

Detailed technical description

The component comes with a default configuration for tables and elements. However, customization is possible through the

setting, which presets define how unpacked items, parcels, rejected items, and scanning functionalities are displayed and handled in the Pack Wizard. 

The Pack Component is set in the workflow in the

ruleset (find more details in the Enable Store Associates to assign Items to Parcels guide) and is displayed inside the Wizard. See the Sample Manifest below for details. The GraphQL query must contain at least the fields listed in the sample query below, though additional fields can be fetched by adding them to the manifest fragment fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.pack via the setting.

1query fulfilmentById($id: ID!) {
2  fulfilmentById(id: $id) {
3    id
4    ref
5    status
6    createdOn
7    updatedOn
8    deliveryType
9    items {
10      edges {
11        node {
12          id
13          requestedQuantity
14          rejectedQuantity
15          filledQuantity
16          orderItem {
17            id
18            product {
19              ... on StandardProduct {
20                gtin
21                ref
22                name
23                attributes {
24                  name
25                  value
26                }
27              }
28              ... on VariantProduct {
29                gtin
30                ref
31                name
32                attributes {
33                  name
34                  value
35                }
36              }
37            }
38          }
39        }
40      }
41    }
42  }

Language: plain_text

Name: Sample Query


Sample query for the Pack Wizard configuration

Configuration Example

The configuration example below outlines the default settings available for the Pack Component out-of-the-box. These presets define how unpacked items, parcels, rejected items, and scanning functionalities are displayed and handled in the Pack Wizard. If no customization is applied, the component will follow the below defined default structure.

You can override the default behaviour by modifying only the necessary fields in the

setting. It’s important to note that any unchanged parameters will continue to use the default configuration.

Here’s the default configuration for the component:

2  "unpackedList": {
3    "dataSource": "fulfilmentById.items",
4    "labels": {
5      "title": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.list.unpackedItems.title",
6      "noItems": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.list.unpackedItems.noItems"
7    },
8    "attributes": [
9      {
10        "value": "{{orderItem.product.attributes.byName.imageUrl}}",
11        "type": "image",
12        "options": {
13          "width": 50,
14          "height": 50
15        }
16      },
17      {
18        "label": "i18n:fc.sf.pack.index.list.column.productName.heading",
19        "value": "{{orderItem.product.name}}"
20      },
21      {
22        "label": "i18n:fc.sf.pack.index.list.column.sku.heading",
23        "value": "{{orderItem.product.ref}}"
24      }
25    ]
26  },
27  "parcels": {
28    "labels": {
29      "title": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.list.packed.title",
30      "add": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.list.addParcel.button",
31      "noItems": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.list.packed.noItems"
32    },
33    "attributes": [
34      {
35        "value": "{{orderItem.product.attributes.byName.imageUrl}}",
36        "type": "image",
37        "options": {
38          "width": 50,
39          "height": 50
40        }
41      },
42      {
43        "label": "i18n:fc.sf.pack.index.list.column.productName.heading",
44        "value": "{{orderItem.product.name}}"
45      },
46      {
47        "label": "i18n:fc.sf.pack.index.list.column.sku.heading",
48        "value": "{{orderItem.product.ref}}"
49      }
50    ],
51    "allowMultipleParcelsPerItem": false,
52    "autoAssignAllItemsToFirstParcel": false
53  },
54  "rejectedItems": {
55    "modal": {
56      "labels": {
57        "title": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.modal.rejectItem.title"
58      }
59    },
60    "list": {
61      "labels": {
62        "title": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.pack.list.rejectedItems.title"
63      },
64      "attributes": [
65        {
66          "value": "{{orderItem.product.attributes.byName.imageUrl}}",
67          "type": "image",
68          "options": {
69            "width": 50,
70            "height": 50
71          }
72        },
73        {
74          "label": "i18n:fc.sf.pack.index.list.column.productName.heading",
75          "value": "{{orderItem.product.name}}"
76        },
77        {
78          "label": "i18n:fc.sf.pack.index.list.column.sku.heading",
79          "value": "{{orderItem.product.ref}}"
80        }
81      ]
82    }
83  },
84  "productCard": {
85    "cardImage": {
86      "imageUrl": "{{orderItem.product.attributes.byName.imageUrl}}"
87    },
88    "title": "{{orderItem.product.name}}",
89    "attributes": [
90      {
91        "value": "{{orderItem.product.ref}}"
92      },
93      {
94        "value": "{{orderItem.product.gtin}}"
95      }
96    ]
97  },
98  "scanner": {
99    "enableCameraScanner": false,
100    "defaultDecoders": ["code_128_reader", "ean_reader"],
101    "scannerFields": ["orderItem.product.gtin"],
102    "toastTimeout": 3000,
103    "confidence": 0.85,
104    "frequency": 10
105  }

Language: json

Name: Configuration Example


[Warning: empty required content area]


The component does not have any configurable properties.

Configuration example

1// fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.pack.json
3    "type": "page",
4    "path": "pack/fulfilment/:id",
5    "component": "fc.page.wizard",
6    "props": {
7        "title": "{{i18n \"fc.sf.pack.index.subtitle\"}} {{fulfilmentById.id}}",
8        "actions": true,
9        "closePath": "pack",
10        "steps": [
11            {
12                "title": "{{i18n \"fc.sf.pack.index.title\"}}",
13                "icon": "FaBox",
14                "action": {
15                    "name": "ConfirmParcels",
16                    "noCard": true,
17                    "config": {
18                        "noSuccessMessage": false,
19                        "extension": {
20                            "postSubmit": {
21                                "type": "navigate",
22                                "link": "/summary/fulfilment/{{fulfilmentById.id}}",
23                                "navigateWhenUnchanged": true
24                            }
25                        }
26                    }
27                },
28                "descendants": [
29                    {
30                        "component": "fc.page.wizard.action",
31                        "props": {
32                            "width": "full",
33                            "noCard": true
34                        }
35                    }
36                ]
37            }
38        ]
39    },
40    "data": {
41        "query": "query fulfilmentById($id: ID!, $items_first: Int) { fulfilmentById(id: $id) { id ref status createdOn updatedOn deliveryType items(first: $items_first) { edges { node { id requestedQuantity rejectedQuantity filledQuantity orderItem { id product {... on StandardProduct { gtin ref name attributes { name value } }  ... on VariantProduct { gtin ref name attributes { name value } } } } } } } }}",
42        "variables": {
43            "id": "{{params.id}}",
44            "items_first": 999
45        }
46    }

Language: json

Version History



Initial release

Recommended Placement

The Pack Component is best suited for use within the Page Wizard of Fluent Store to manage the multi-parcel fulfillment process efficiently.

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