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Improving Search, Filtering, and Aggregations across the Inventory Domain



Kirill Gaiduk

Changed on:

25 Sept 2024

Target release date:2024-09-25
Release status:Released


Explore a number of improvements that have been made to the GraphQL APIs, which allow for new and better ways to query Inventory data:

  • Perform advanced searches for Product, Inventory, and Virtual Catalogues as well as Control Groups by their related Retailers, including scenarios with multiple Retailer references specified.
  • Easily understand and monitor your actual state of Inventory with the following additions:
    • Multi-select filtering for:
      • Inventory Positions by Inventory Catalogues
      • Virtual Positions by Virtual Catalogues
    • Comparison and range filtering for: 
      • Inventory Positions by Stock on Hand (SOH) quantity
      • Virtual Positions by Available to Sell (ATS) quantity
  • Analyze your Stock on Hand results faster with handy Inventory Quantity Aggregations by Type, Status, and Date Range per Inventory Position, with support for customer-specific Inventory Quantity Types and Statuses.
  • Enhancing search performance across the Inventory Domain.
  • And a fix for
    Events, eliminating the risk of Close Matches feature exceptions.

📢 Future Development Announcement

The Improvements highlighted above are the required Backend changes that will drive the planned User Interface capabilities. They are the first step towards a Unified View of Inventory - a clear and intuitive User Interface that is fine-tuned to Business Optimizers' operational and strategic needs, thereby streamlining your workflow and supporting decision-making with relevant tools and data visualization.

Stay tuned for more updates!



  • GraphQL queries: 
    , and
    have been extended with the
    argument support to enable case-insensitive exact-match search by single and multiple Retailer References.
  • GraphQL queries:
    , and  
     have been improved at all the levels of the GraphQL tree with the following:
    • `catalogues`
      arguments, enabling filtering by multiple Inventory and Virtual Catalogues.
    • `IntRange`
      comparison arguments, providing
      (>=) and
      (<=) inputs for advanced filtering by quantity:
      • `onHandRange`
        input field for
      • `quantityRange`
         input field for
  • `InventoryPosition`
    type has been extended with a new
    field, enabling Inventory Quantity Aggregations by Type, Status, and Date Range per Inventory Position.


  • Pattern search using wildcards is not supported for the retailerRefs argument in the productCatalogues, inventoryCatalogues, virtualCatalogues, controlGroups GraphQL queries. Additionally, Control Groups, Products, Inventory, and Virtual Catalogues without a specified Retailer reference will not appear in the search results.
  • The catalogue argument (inventoryPositions example) has been deprecated. The new catalogues argument is recommended for inventoryPositions, inventoryQuantities, and virtualPositions GraphQL queries.
  • Inventory Quantity Aggregation GraphQL queries have increased Complexity Weighting of 10.
Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform

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