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Introducing new Reference Statuses: manage Inventory proactively to minimize stockouts with Inventory Reference Module 2.0.0



Kirill Gaiduk

Changed on:

1 Nov 2024

Target release date:2024-09-19
Release status:Released


Promptly identify and rectify stockouts with the Out of Stock Status enabled for Inventory and Virtual Positions, providing immediate visibility on stock items that require intervention, such as replenishment.

With the At Risk Status, you can get actionable insights into your Inventory state, allowing you to analyze and manage Inventory proactively (e.g. re-configure Controls set up for a specific sales channel).

Configure and monitor your Inventory business-logic-driven stock Statuses (the reference logic is threshold-based), search for Positions that require special attention with Status filtering, and minimize stockouts across various sales channels and regions.

📖 Get step-by-step instructions for defining Out of Stock and At Risk Statuses with the Configure Threshold Controls to manage Inventory and Virtual Positions Statuses Guide.

📢 Future Development Announcement

The Improvements highlighted above are the required Backend changes that will drive the planned User Interface capabilities. They are the first step towards a Unified View of Inventory - a clear and intuitive User Interface that is fine-tuned to Business Optimizers' operational and strategic needs, thereby streamlining your workflow and supporting decision-making with relevant tools and data visualization.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Inventory Reference Module

  • Inventory and Virtual Position reference statuses have been extended with
  • A new reference Control Type
    has been introduced. It is driven by threshold-based logic and applicable to both Inventory and Virtual Positions, empowering Inventory stock status management.
  • Reference Inventory Workflows have been updated with new rules:
    , utilized in the following Rulesets:
    • Inventory Catalog:
    • Virtual Catalogs
      • Base:
      • Aggregate:
    • Rulesets' Triggers and Status Properties have been updated to reflect the introduction of the new Statuses.


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Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Module