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Fluent Store Configuration in OMS Web App

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Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Sept 2024


The Fluent Store Web App empowers retailers to enhance their operational efficiency by transforming stores into fulfillment centers and optimizing inventory management, ultimately delivering a superior customer experience through streamlined order fulfillment and improved inventory control. 

The app contains the following configurations:

  • All Locations
  • Stores
  • Warehouses
  • Networks

Key points

  • Stores are transformed into efficient fulfillment centers, ensuring a seamless customer experience through optimized order fulfillment and superior inventory control.
  • With configurations for all Locations, Stores, Warehouses, and Networks, the app provides a comprehensive toolkit, enabling retailers to manage their entire ecosystem.


Location Overview and Detailed Information

  • Get a comprehensive view of all physical locations within your retail ecosystem.
  • Access in-depth details about each location, such as location-specific information, opening hours, and a convenient "Location Finder" tool for easy navigation.
  • Understand the operational status of each location while efficiently organizing them into logical networks, allowing for informed decision-making regarding order fulfillment and customer collection.
  • Efficiently manage storage areas within your locations to optimize inventory control, enabling precise allocation and tracking of items for enhanced order fulfillment and storage efficiency.

Store and Warehouse Details

  • Access specifics about your stores and warehouses, including information on the networks they belong to, storage areas, schedules, and order processing waves.
  • Utilize stores as inventory sources for fulfilling customer orders while ensuring that these locations are not only for collections but also as integral parts of your supply chain.


  • Organize your locations into logical or geographic categories known as networks, simplifying management and optimization efforts.
  • Access comprehensive data about your networks, including network attributes, locations, and affiliated retailers.

A location is a physical place that serves as a hub for shipping and receiving items you're selling. These can include warehouses, retail stores, and third-party vendor facilities, which play a crucial role in your supply chain. In the Locations configuration, you can access the Locations List page, which presents the catalogue of existing locations. If you want to delve deeper into a particular location's specifics, click on

`Location Ref`
to open the Location Details page, providing a comprehensive overview.

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Stores are specific locations primarily utilized as sources of inventory for fulfilling customer orders. They also serve as collection points for customers to pick up their purchases, providing a seamless shopping experience. The Stores configuration includes the Stores List page, where you can view the existing stores. If you click on

it will take you to the Store Details page, providing comprehensive information about that specific store.

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Warehouses are centralized locations dedicated to stocking inventory for order fulfillment. While they are essential for efficient supply chain operations, they are typically not designed for customer collection and are more focused on inventory management and distribution. In the Warehouses configuration, you'll find the Warehouses List page, offering a glimpse of the available warehouses. Clicking on

will seamlessly transition you to the Warehouse Details page, where you can access extensive information pertaining to that particular warehouse.

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Networks are groups of locations organized into logical or geographic categories. They help you manage and optimize the operations of multiple locations, making it easier to coordinate order routing, inventory allocation, and other logistical aspects of your business. Clicking on (Network)

opens the Network Details page, where you can access comprehensive information about the specific network.

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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce