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Improved Attribute Adding and Editing in Fluent OMS



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

29 Aug 2024

Target release date:2023-10-17
Release status:Released


Business users can now add new or edit existing attributes directly in Fluent OMS without the need to involve technical resources. For example, a business user can now quickly update the maximum number of

that a Store can receive each day to align with their current capacity.

This change will be automatically applied to any page component where a mutation is specified, and the entity accepts attributes. Further details can be found on this update in the Page Component reference material.


  • Business users can directly add/edit Fluent OMS attributes.
  • Changes apply automatically to relevant page components.


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Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Web apps, Fluent OMS
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce