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New plugin Charts



Yulia Andreyanova

Changed on:

23 Jan 2024

Target release date:2024-01-29
Release status:Released


The new plugin contains charts that can be configured to show different kinds of  analytics:

  • Gauge chart is a chart that indicates progress and consists of an arc with two sectors (active and inactive) and two texts - primary (big bold one) and secondary (normal size and font weight). Read how to configure a colored threshold for gauge chart in the guide;
  • Area chart is a chart that displays graphically quantitative data. It is based on the line chart. The area between the axis and line is emphasized with colors. Commonly, two or more quantities are compared with an area chart;
  • Bar chart is a chart that represents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.


  • Initial release
Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Web apps

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