Using the Event API
Movyn John
Changed on:
13 Dec 2023
Using the Event API
Key points
- Retrieving Orchestration and Orchestration Audit events are done via the Fluent Event API
- The Event API has various parameters that are available to filter for specific events, for example for a particular entity or during a particular timeframe.
Event API Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Values |
context.rootEntityType | The root entity which is able to be orchestrated. |
context.rootEntityId | The root entity ID. | Example: 17 |
context.rootEntityRef | The root entity reference. | Example: HD_123 |
context.entityId | The entity ID. | Examples: 16 |
context.entityRef | The entity reference. | Example: c766dd91-a9a8-11ec-989e-69dadf16f9ea |
context.entityType | The entity type which is able to be orchestrated. |
from | The From DateTime represented as a UTC ISO String. The format of this string is as follows: 'YYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssZ' Note: By default, if this parameter is not present in the API query, then only the past 30 days are considered | Example: 2023-03-06T01:05:45.00Z |
to | The To DateTime represented as a UTC ISO String. The format of this string is as follows: 'YYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssZ' | Example: 2023-03-06T01:05:45.00Z |
name | The name of the event / ruleset. | Example: CheckOrderCoordinates |
category | The category of the event. |
retailerId | The ID of the retailer the event is specified for. | Example: 1 |
eventType | The type of event. |
eventStatus | The status of the event. |
start | The index to start at, which is used for paginating through the API response. The response will have a
| Example: 100 |
count | The number of results per page to be returned in the API response. The recommendation is to not retrieve more than 5000 events in a single request. Doing so may result in a timeout of the API due to the number of records having to be returned. Note: By default if this parameter is not present in the API query, only the first 100 events will be returned. |
Below are various examples on how to filter events using the Event API.
- Orchestration Events for a root entity by id. (e.g. rootEntityType=ORDER, rootEntityId=123)
- Audit Events for a specific entity by id. (e.g. entityType=FULFILMENT, entityId=123)
- Orchestration and Audit Events for a root entity by ref. (e.g. rootEntityRef=LOC_1, rootEntityType=LOCATION)
- Orchestration and Audit Events for an entity with id, count and from/to dates defined - 5min timeframe (e.g. entityId=123, entityType=ORDER, count=5000, from=2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, to=2019-01-01T00:05:00.000Z)
- Audit Events events for an entity with entityId and rootEntityRef specified (e.g. rootEntityRef=LOC_1, rootEntityType=LOCATION, entityId=123, entityType=WAVE)
- Exception events in a timeframe (e.g. from=2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, to=2020-01-01T23:59:59.999Z, count=5000)
- Webhook action events for an entity (e.g. rootEntityRef=HD_123, rootEntityType=ORDER)
`{{fluentApiHost}}/api/v4.1/event?eventType=ORCHESTRATION_AUDIT&context.rootEntityRef={{rootEntityRef}}&context.rootEntityType={{rootEntityType}}&category=ACTION&name=Send Webhook`
- Rest API events (legacy)
`{{fluentApiHost}}/api/v4.1/event?eventType=API&name=POST /api/v4.1/order&count=5000`
`{{fluentApiHost}}/api/v4.1/event?eventType=API&name=PUT /api/v4.1/workflow&count=5000`
- Event by id
- Log Action events with count and from/to parameters (e.g. from=2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, to=2020-01-01T00:15:00.000Z, count=5000)